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"Fuck Dumbledore's plans", Snape said to himself and went to the floo. An hour and a dozen calls later he had his meeting.

Next morning he was at the meeting spot and no one was to be found around. Taking cover from the torrential rain under a huge tree, Severus Snape checked his watch. It read 15 minutes past six. "He was supposed to be here at six, does he think no one else has any work just like him?", he muttered to himself.

A huge dog jumped in front of him. Not an ordinary dog, it was a grim Severus noted. Baring the long sharp fangs the grim took a couple of steps towards the completely defenceless Snape. Then suddenly the grim transformed into a man, just like magic.

"I'm sure you have lot's of work serving the Noseless Lord, but I had to make sure that this was not a trap for me", the new man said. "Still you know my animagus secret. You better hope I like what you have to say, else you will not make it alive", he continued twirling a wooden wand between his fingers.

"Sirius Black", spat Snape. "If it was just you or Potter, I might have enjoyed seeing you brought to your place. But I cannot standby when I know Lily's life is in danger".

Sirius tilted his head and considered what Snape just said. Finally accepting it he brought down his wand in a slashing motion, took hold of Snape's hand and disappeared into thin air.

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"What's taking Sirius so long?", asked James Potter for the twentieth time in the last 15 minutes. He continued pacing back and forth.

"Relax James. Sirius may behave like a child sometimes, but he is a qualified auror. He'll take every care necessary, that includes making sure he isn't walking into a trap. So sit down", replied Lily with an exasperated sigh.

As though her words made him appear, Sirius appeared, holding Snape by his right arm, behind the one way mirror partitioned area of the room. The area they had appeared had all sorts of spells, enchantment and what not to prevent anyone from escaping. There was a table with two chairs on the opposite sides, just like one would see in a police interrogation room.

"Take a seat Severus, we are going to be here for a while. You need to come clean and answer the questions I have for you before you can think about leaving", said Sirius.

Snape took the seat without saying a word, which was highly uncharacteristic when it comes to the man. On the other side of the mirror, Lily and James sat down and got ready to find answers to a lot of riddles.

"Now, start talking", barked Sirius.

"What did Dumbledore tell you when he asked Potters to go into hiding?"

"I ask questions here and you answer them", Sirius growled.

"I'm here to help you, so working with me will make things easier and faster as well. I'm at your place, at your mercy with your friends backing you up from behind the one way mirror. So quit this tough act and let's get on", Severus replied without breaking his calm demeanor.

"Alright, Dumbledore told that the Potters and Longbottoms have been evading Voldemort for a long time and he has decided to take care of the matter personally. Since both the families have toddlers, it would be better for them to go into hiding".

"That meddling fool", Severus shouted and started pacing around the room causing Sirius to stand up to better keep sight.

After a couple of minutes he sat down heavily and took a deep breath. "Listen carefully and do not interrupt me. The Dark Lord is not after James and Lily Potter. He is not after Frank and Alice Longbottom as well".

Fuck Dumbledore's PlansWhere stories live. Discover now