The journey

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Don’t be unmannerly to her; I approximate everyone mistake is there, so stops projecting her like, everything are her fault-said the girl with disagree tone 

Look depali I really didn’t blame her for whole issue, only because off her lack of awareness, we are going to get into a huge trouble, sultan said with displeased .Yes trishna was one off a careless girl in their gang, at present for her sole mistake they friends gang may behind the  bars

I am completely at fault here, and I apologize for that sultan, at that moment I was totally blank out moreover feeling of fear and anxiety, that how it’s happen,-she pleading to her friends with teary eyes

Guys please end this nonsense about who is right and wrong, let’s think about what we have to do now, the irked voice interrupt to cut down the baseless conversation between they  friends group. There is quite lot of problem we need to discuss, for the sake of please listen to me ,now he really annoyed on them

I understand mukund, still if she brought along all her belongings, for now we will never f***ked up our mind,-said sultan

Sultan, you know from which circumstance we came from, so please think about the solution ,if not just button up your lips,-mukund

Idea, say sikki after being a silent partner while watching on going dramas of his friends ,now he come up with suggestion to make a full stop for it.

Sikki don’t tell us a foolish idea like each time you provide, this is very serious matter ,A small error will turn out big cast your mind back to it and tell your so called idea bro said mukund with no more energy to handle

Why not we go and take all the stuff and return back, sikky said proudly for his smart idea ,while gaining hard glance from everyone

This why I  called you dumb every time, did  u think we will wasting our time here if that’s a solution, you very well know we can’t go back to that place again

Hey mukund whatever sikki said is true, riya tell with some ideas pop up at her mind

Riya since when you become like sikki, are out of mind, did you know…

She cut him in between and said, I mean not us but the person who can help us, who are close to us.

But what will we said to him, by chance we can’t revel anything to that person, it will cause problem to everyone yaa.

True, we just tell them a different story and make him to do our work

Good that sounds like plan, but who will do? We can’t hire an outsider to carry out this ,maybe our close member can fulfill, then his eyes land on sultan a bright smile appear on his face

Sultan your brother can help us to accomplish the plan right, yes he is the correct person bro

Sultan was, shock hearing this and ask mukund, are you trying to get me murdered by my father hand, no I can’t agree for this, he is not suitable for the plan find another person to do, sultan said, how can he do, the situation already make his life in a much big trouble he really can’t take risk while involving his brother in this problem

Sultan please try to understand, this is only way we can free from this, please agree for ou rsake. Sultan try to give more reasons for his deny, at last he give-up and approve it, thanks my dear buddy, now call your brother and ask him to come for this place

Hey guys, you people are just consider for the man’s stuff, what about us, can he bring back the women’s things together

Shit now we need to find a girl to go along with him, who can do? Then mukund eyes fall on depali and smirk at her, depali u have a sister right? What her name ya , sum old actress name uhh never mine, ask her to help you to get back the girls stuff

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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