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You're here where you should be
Snow is falling as the carolers sing
It just wasn't the same
Alone on christmas day
Presents, what a beautiful sight
Don't mean a thing if you ain't holding me tight
You're all that I need
Underneath the tree

[tonight i'm gonna hold you close
Make sure that you know,
I was lost before you
Christmas was cold and grey
Another holiday alone to celebrate]
-12 months prior-
    Lights were glimmering and glowing, a variety of colors shimmering in the dark, mysterious sky. Greens, reds, browns, and whites wildly placed around the house. The smell of hot chocolate and cinnamon sifting through the crisp, warm air. Songs of great melody dancing into eardrums, chiming, ringing, jingling. Spirits were lifted and smiles were graced upon two specific individuals.
    12:00 pm
    It was officially Christmas in the Iwaizumi household. Hajime could hear the squeals of his husband, heavy steps coming around the corner. Pale fingers wrapped around his own, contracting greatly compared to his tanner skin. He breathed out a smile, turning around to face the person he could never get tired of.
    "Merry Christmas iwa-chan!"
    The cheery brunette exclaimed, his voice ringed in his ear. Hajime chuckled, resting a hand on his tinted cheeks, running a rough hand through the smooth strands of hair.
    "Merry Christmas, kawa,"
    He said softly, turning around swiftly to grab a warm cookie from his new batch. "Wanna try? They're double chocolate chip this time." the raven offered, clicking his tongue and pulling the cookie back when Oikawa eagerly nodded and reached for it.
    "Ah, you know the kitchen rules." Hajime raised an eyebrow, grinning when Tooru leaned down slightly and placed a light peck on his lips.
    The paler of the two pulled back, giving the ladder an expecting look. Hajime gave him the cookie, smiling dopily as he watched his husband eat the cookie, little bits of warm chocolate leaving a trail on his mouth. His tongue swiped to get it after he gulped down the pastry.
Slow, low humming tunes made their way through the house. Sparkling eyes meeting Hajime's own. A hand gripped his wrist, tugging on it slightly.
    "Oh! Let's go dance! I love this song."
    The raven followed the other hesitantly. After all these years he was still utterly whipped for the brunette..
    Oikawa laced his hand with one of Iwa's, his other ghosting over his shoulder. Hajime gripped his husband's waist, allowing the smooth, fluid motions to grace the two. It was as if they were moving in slow motion. The sight of Tooru standing there, his pale skin glowing under the lights. His chocolate, soft eyes leaving his speechless. His eyelashes fluttering softly. His rosy cheeks and peachy lips setting beautifully on his pearly skin. His entire being was ethereal, and honestly, Hajime was absolutely in love with the man stood in front of him. The air was lightly wisping around the two as they effortlessly (not so effortlessly--Tooru had awkwardly stepped on Hajimes toes a few times, their laughter in play.) moved around the living room.
As the vibrations of the song slowly faded, Iwaizumi swiped up his husband, smiling as laughter and playful squeals filled the room. He brought the two to their bedroom, plopping him onto the bed. The shorter crawled onto the bed, kissing Oikawa sweetly before plopping down next to him. He pulled him into his chest, whispering little "i love you's" in his ear. Tooru began to drift in and out of sleep before inevitably giving into his heavy lids.  With the comfort of his husband sleeping on him, the raven followed suit.

[but then one day
Everything changed]
-11.7 months prior-
    Pink, purples, blues, oranges all shone, bright fun colors lighting up the dark room. Glitter and feathers lingered in different corners, the remnants of wines and juices pooling at the bottom of fancy glasses. Silly accessories were placed upon both Tooru and Hajime. Music was booming through the house, and the two stood eagerly on the patio.
    The two desperately, impatiently pulling the other into a sloppy, passionate kiss, a chorus of "happy new years" shouted in the background. Fireworks lit up the sides of their faces, wind breezing around the two. They didn't care. Having their other embraced in their arms was all that mattered at that point in time.
    Tooru pulled away first, looking down at his husband slightly, a wide faced smile never leaving his features.
    "God, I don't know what I would do without you. Sometimes I try to imagine life without you and it just- I can't even comprehend it."
    The shorter spoke, looking his husband in the face. Oikawa cooed, pecking him on the lips once more.
    "Aww, Iwa! Good thing you don't have to worry about that! I'd never leave you! You're stuck with me forever."
    The brunette exclaimed, pulling Hajime inside the house. "It's cold out there. Wanna go watch a movie?"
    Iwa jokingly groaned, flopping down on the couch. "As long as it's not mean girls- or something like that." he said, causing Tooru to turn out and stick his tongue out.
    "Just 'cause you said that, we're gonna watch mean girls!" he grinned pushing the movie into the dvd and cuddling into the ravens side.
    And that's how the Iwaizumis spent their New Years.

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