Chapter 1: before yeah #lovinglife

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Hello! Thank you for deciding to read Ever Beautiful Eversa! In this book the chapters are super long. This chapter is around 4000 words! Which is crazy! Thank you for reading!

The green grass swayed back and forth beneath me. The bright blue skies casted above us everyday, mirrored the crystal clear waters below. I look up to see an enormous Ciran tree that stands high above the rest in the forest. Its yellow leaves, falling down towards the grass. Verath comes after hot and sunny Sumera each year with the same two colored leaves in its oval form. Yellow, orange, yellow, orange. But this year I notice one leaf that has an odd shape compared to the rest.

I feel a gust of wind flow through my hair and dress. Looking up at the tall tree the wind flows through the leaves and they sway back and forth. As they fall down, I spot a big red sphere in a cluster with others shaped like it. The oddly shaped leaf breaks away from the rest, and starts to descend lightly. I'm too busy squinting my eyes to figure out what I'd spotted, that the leaf had already fallen onto my nose. I quickly swiped it away.

Looking down at my basket, it's empty, and should be full of berries.

I see my sister searching for the berrie tree. "You're here to help me, Ahma," she says, still inspecting a branch that had fallen to the ground. "Yeah I'm still looking, Kei," I drop my head and look to my left, rolling my eyes "Just one more day," I mumble, I look up from my hands and spot a deep purple in the distance. I get up frantically almost losing my balance. I direct my eyesight to the specs of purple. My eyes light up.

"Keane, berries!" I yell. My sister skips over to me and we walk together over to what could be our berrie pie. She bends down inspecting the tree, full of beautiful purple berries. She looks at me grinning from ear to ear "Splendid Ahma, mother will be pleased," I smile, mocking her.

"Help me get up there," I say eagerly.

"No," she replies sternly. I tilt my head and stare at her, frowning.

"We can get dirty," Keane says curtsying.

"But we can always change," I slowly smile

"Ahma, please, you know how Father will react." I disregard everything she says and climb up the tree. One by one I pick out fresh berries and drop them into the woven basket Keane holds.

"Seriously Ahma, get down from there!" I ignore her still picking out the freshest berries. I look down at Keane and up again looking at the Mountains, lush green, and lake next to us, crystal clear. I bring my eyesight back to the berries and continue to pick off one by one.


"Okay I think we're good," Keane says. Slowly I climb down but I don't land gracefully. I fall to my knees, scraping them.

"Outstanding, now your dirty,"

"Kei its fine-"

"-and hurt." I get up brushing off the remnants of dirt stained onto my dress, while my sister stands in place pouting.

"It's fine, huh" Keane raises her voice, turning her head.

"Let's just go home," I say. But she doesn't reply.

As we start to walk back home, I drag my feet behind, looking at my sister, carrying her basket with ease while I'm trying not to drop mine. I look up from the basket to see her light blonde hair, silky smooth, almost like honey. Her long hair, every strand perfectly placed and cared for.

"Ahma," she says, walking forward pointing into the distance, I look at her but this time she looks back at me and forward again, smiling "Ahma," she says again, stopping, but a little louder, I roll my eyes. Is she messing with me? I try to walk past her but her arm comes out like the Guards made from Oak. She looks back at me again but a little frantic. I pull her arm down

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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