Chapter 1

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" Ok students time to pack up."
" Finally."
" Hallelujah!"
I love art class. It's a way that I can express my thoughts and feelings without using words. But I'm tired. My teachers gave me all this homework cause I won't be here for a few days. I'm moving to a new house and I wanted to help mom move in.
" But Mrs. Kramer..."
" Yes, Charlie?"
" I'm not done with my painting yet."
" Well, then I guess your gonna have to take it home to finish."
Of course. Charlie never finishes his projects. He'd rather spend the class talking to his friends about horror movies and why the Cowboys should have gone to the Superbowl and how manly he is because he asked out a cheerleader. I guarantee he's only taking this class because it's required to graduate.
As I leave the classroom, Alana comes rushing up to me. She's been my best friend ever since we were like 2.
" Can you come help me take off my makeup?"
" Why don't you just ask your parents if you can wear makeup so you don't have to keep asking to borrow mine? Besides, you don't need makeup. Your gorgeous."
" Haha, you're very funny."
Alana has really strict parents. I know it's kinda stereotypical since they're both Asian, but it's true. They won't let her wear any makeup, or date anyone till she's at least 23. She can only listen to classical music, wear jeans and long sleeve shirts, closed-toed shoes, and the occasional headband.
" Please, just come to the bathroom with me."
" Fine."
As we walk to the bathroom, she askes the same question she does every time we see each other.
" So, how's Jacob?"
I punch her in the arm. She always gets all cheesy and romantic when it comes to boys. She's been extra cheesy ever since Jacob, the 5'11 captain of the football team asked me out. Honestly, I was kinda surprised myself when he asked me out. I'm not exactly one of the popular girls. Even though I've known him since we were little kids, I've always been more close with his little brother Ryan.
" Jacob is fine."
" But you know what I mean..."
" Your right, I know exactly what you mean."
" And..."
" Nothing. Nothing is going on."
" So you're telling me that Jacob said nothing to you."
" Well,"
" What do you mean well?"
I did talk to him earlier but I don't want to feed into her need for information. I really like Jacob as a friend, but I'm not really looking for a boyfriend. I don't want to get into any relationships until after graduation. When we get to the bathroom, I help her take off her makeup and give her her clothes that she's supposed to go to school in. We always go to school extra early just so she can change into her grunge aesthetic apparel. I swear if her parents saw what she wore on the daily, they would probably have a heart attack. Once she gets out of the stall, we head for the front doors.
" Hey, Marren"
" Oh, hi Jacob," I reply
Alana winks at me. I shove her to the side in the most subtle way possible.
" How are you?" He asks me
" Fine. How are you."
" Pretty good."
" That's nice."
" Yea, well I have to go do homework and then go to practice so I'll see you later?"
" I think that can be arranged." I smile. I totally forgot that I'm supposed to go over to Jacob and Ryan's house tonight. I'm such an air head sometimes. That's gonna be awkward.
When I told Jacob I didn't want to be more than friends, he was fine with it. It didn't really hurt our friendship. But, I never told Ryan about it. Hopefully, me and mom will just go over there and eat and leave.
" Ok bye Marren, bye Alana."
" BYE!" We reply at the same time.
" He's sooooo sweet," Alana says. She has this starry-eyed stare stuck on her face.
" Yea." He is very mature for his age and super respectful. He always helps the teacher when needed, willingly helps his parents with chores, and isn't super aggressive like the other juniors his age.
" Well, we gotta head home otherwise your parents are gonna yell at me."
" Right," she says.
" Hey, do you want some snacks when we get home?"
" Sure" I reply. She always has the best snacks. Even though she's not allowed to have them, they get snuck in via me. Her parents check her backpack and pockets when she gets home so I'm really the only way to get things in and out of her house undetected.
" Oh, and the new season of the Good Doctor is out."
" Ok let's watch that too."
But right before we walk into her neighborhood, I hear the loudest, blood-curdling sound ever, followed by a scream.

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