It's Fate Chapter 1: sweet beginings... NOT!

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"I dont understand why I even try." I woke up on Febuary 14th, Valentines day. I looked at myself in the mirror and pulled on my grey skinny jeans and my "What is Love?" shirt, did my make up and curled my long black hair...

Goal of the day: Avoid anything and all love related items...

I cringed. Why did I have to share the WORST holiday with my birthday? I was turning 17 WHOOPDY FREAKIN DO! Another year closer to freedom, so i can get out of this shit hole we call Stratford... yeah thats right, Stratford ONTARIO. The hometown of Justin Bieber... yeah i knew him, before he left, he was in choris class with me but who cares. I heard the bus honk from outside.

"Shit,shit,shit!" i repeated as I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door.

I jumped on the bus and headed to the back to sit with my friends.

"Hey emo Emily, where's you're Valentines day date? Oops i forgot you dont belive in love..."one prep girl snickered as i passed her.

"hey Payton, why dont you keep your slutty ass out of my buisness? kay?" i replyed sarcasticly, she just rolled her eyes as I ploped down next to my best friend Laura.

"Hey Em." she said perky

"Mornin' Laura." i said with the slight sothern accent i still had from when i was little.

"Happy Birthday!!!"

"UGH DONT remind me."

The bus came to a screaching halt and we hopped off and met up with our friends, Cody, Alana, Tristan, and my boyfriend Drake.

Thats right BOYFRIEND. "Hey" I said as i walked up to them and kissed Drake.

"The Valentine's day dance is tonight, you wanna go?" He asked me

"UGH..." i paused."Fine"

It's Fate {Jordan Witzegreuter and Christofer Drew} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now