Deku Awakens

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Deku awakens to a bright light in his eyes, his face embraced by the warmth of the sun. His arms and legs were hugged by the soft grass surrounding his entire body. He sits up and looks around at his surroundings. Nothing. Nothing but grass as far as the eye could see. There was only the same soft green grass for miles and miles ahead. Deku decided to stand up and start walking around. There had to be an explanation as to where he was and how he got here. As Deku started walk further ahead he saw something, something that stood out in the endless plains of green. Feeling ecstatic, he ran as fast as he could toward the newly found unknown object. As he approached it he saw what it was. Sitting in front of him, was a lawn mower. Confused, Deku stood in front of the lawn mower, eyes pinned on the lawn mower as if he could not look elsewhere. His eyes widened with as he got a sudden urge to turn on the lawn mower and start mowing away at the grass. Not being able to resist he turned on the lawn mower and started mowing the seemingly infinite lawn. He mowed and mowed unknowing to how much time had passed. Before he knew it, the sky had turned dark and the moon lit up the grassy plains. He stared into the sky, looking around at the stars above. Soon he had felt like he gave up on finding an answer and could be happy just mowing this never ending lawn for the rest of his life. Deku's eyes started feeling heavy and soon he had fallen asleep. The next day, Deku had awoken to another peaceful day, warm sun in his face, soft grass all around his body. He stood up and walked over the his newly found friend, the lawn mower, turned it on and started mowing. Deku continued mowing this never ending field of grass, feeling ecstasy every step of the way. Deku continued this cycle of mowing and sleeping for the next few days, unable to stop the feeling of the emptiness which came with the happiness of mowing. Then, on one fateful day, Deku sees something, out of the corner of his eye, he spots a tree in the distance. Not wanting to resist the opportunity of something new, he mows his way straight to the tree. Under the tree, Deku sat to take a break, but as he was resting, he heard a noise come from inside the tree. It was a low growling noise, soft but alarming nonetheless. Deku stood behind his lawn mower watching the tree carefully. Suddenly, out from inside the tree emerged a small figure. It was completely black and looked like a shadow consuming the light around it. It moved and grew shiny red eyes which stared at Deku. Not knowing what to do, Deku stared back as if they were in a contest. The creature then started growing larger and larger, until it stood over 20 feet tall. It let out a loud roar and started consuming everything in its surroundings. Deku stared in fear as he could not fully grasp what was his eyes were seeing. "One For All Full Cowl 5%", Deku exclaims as he turned away from the shadow. Not knowing where he was headed and not looking back, he ran away as fast as he could. 

Deku mows the lawnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang