a safe space

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Hi there and welcome!

I don't know how you ended up in this book, but I'm happy you made it here! 😊

But there are a few things I need you to know before you start reading.

I'm trying to express feelings in words.
That's difficult sometimes.
And usually it's working the best when I am feeling down.

But I ask you to not worry about me.
If I am writing all that shit down, I always feel better.

And something I need you to keep in mind:
It's okay to not feel okay.
But never give up.
You are enough.
I believe in you.
And I am proud of you.
You aren't alone. 🖤

This book is a safe space for everyone who wants to talk about anything they've got on their heart and it's about spreading awareness for mental health issues.

Maybe you can even help and share your stories and experiences with each other and support each other.

Remember: You are worth it. I see you. Your feelings are valid. 🖤

And if you need someone to text, just for the moment - my DMs are always open.

If a chapter contains Trigger Warnings, you'll see that at the beginning of the text.

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