ALWAYS// #instaxStillsToLife Contest Submission

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I stumble through the labyrinth of my peers trying to get to my locker, my clumsiness leading to getting hit in the face by their backpacks. I open my locker, clutching my sore cheeks, to be confronted with my textbooks and binders crammed inside like an overflowing lake on a stormy day.

Today was Friday, the start of the weekend; the day to end my misery, but it was anything but, I had just found out I nearly failed my Spanish exam, had three tests in the upcoming week, and had yet to start brainstorm ideas for my English project. All in all, the thunder was booming loudly and a storm was raging within the confines of my skull.

I aggressively stuff all of my belongings into my backpack and stare into my desolate puke-green locker.  If only I was empty, just as this locker, maybe I wouldn't feel this dreadful. Anxious to get home posthaste, I dive back into the sea of students.

After a boatload of shoving and tugging, I finally arrive at the east commons to be confronted by my friends. They are alarmed to observe the deep scowl on my face and immediately know something is wrong. I expect them to prod me with an array of meaningless questions, but I am pleasantly surprised when they start telling dad jokes.

One of my friends starts, "Have you heard of the race between the lettuce and the tomato?" She is enveloped with a wave of silence and pointed stares, but she obliviously continues. "The lettuce was a 'head' and the tomato was trying to 'ketchup'!" A few chuckles explode from my friends but I am preoccupied with the storm brewing in my brain to pay much attention; that is until she tells another lousy joke.

She starts off strong, full of enthusiasm, "What does the scientist do to freshen her breath?" Groans echo from within our little circle, and I roll my eyes in annoyance when another voice rings out. "The scientist obviously moves away from you...duh!"

My distress is suddenly forgotten, and I break the silence by erupting into a crazed fit of giggles, clutching my stomach in laughter at the sardonic comment. A wide grin washes over my face and I sigh in contentment, ignoring the depressing thoughts racing around in my head.

I am sucked out of my inner conversation to a loud click and flash of blinding light. I look around to find the source and see all of my friends gathered around a camera. I saunter towards the jumble, to be astounded when I see them staring at a picture of me.

There I am in all of my miserable glory, but with a look of happiness; I am sporting a large cheeky smile like I know everything's going to be alright. I stare at the candid still and realize that regardless of the circumstances, there is always good, and always something to look forward to, no matter what.



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