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A man clad in a white robe from head to toe climbed the wooden stairs to the stake.

On the stake were two people. One boy and one girl.

Both of them had blood spread across their faces and deep wounds everywhere. Their hands and legs were pinned by sharp nails.

Shouts were roaring.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

"Kill them so that no one ever dares to do such a thing again!"

"They shouldn't be allowed to live!"

"Burn them to ashes!"

There were many present there, to witness this scene unfold before their very eyes.

There was a stark difference among those who were present there.

Basically, there were two parties.

Both of them were different fundamentally.

Both of the parties had fought against each other numerous times for ages and they were sure to fight against each other in the future as well.

But, this once, just this once, both of them wanted the same thing.

"The Demons" and "The Angels" both wanted the same thing right now.

They wanted the Prince of the Demons and the Princess of the Angels, dead.


Because they were criminals.

They had done something sinful.

They were grave sinners who dared to go against their morals and teachings.

They committed an act that was unacceptable and utterly unforgivable.


They had committed a grave sin of falling in 'love' with each other.

After reaching the stake, the man turned looked at both of them with utter disgust.

His cold voice echoed all over the place.

"Fools who dared to defy the very principle of our world. Fools who dared to go against the morals of our ancestors. I curse you. O sinful souls, I curse you. No matter how many times you get reborn. No matter what the ages may be. You two shall never be together. For you two were never meant to be."

After he said those words the man stepped off the platform.

He slowly raised his hand and immediately fire ignited atop his palm.

He slowly extended his hand and used the burning fire of his palm to light the kindling at their feet.

Cheers rose up from all around.

Both of them were now burning in that bright flame.

Both of them slowly raised their eyes. They looked through the billowing gray smoke at the elated masses.

As the heat lapped at their toes, both of them, simultaneously, gave a reflexive comment.


In contrast to their words, their face was tranquil.

Both of them were without a doubt the best examples of what people would call serene beauty.

Their face had wounds all over and blood dripped from their faces.

Their deep cuts and blood should have made their faces grotesque.

Yes, it should have.

But for some reason, those scars seemed to magnify their beauty even more and they came across as even more striking.

When they looked at the mass, the once elated crowd went all silent.

All because of the two who were looking over at them.

Their eyes carried such intensity.

Determination was burning in those eyes, even brighter than those searing flames.

Those eyes clearly conveyed their thoughts to the throng present there.

No matter what, they will fight against this 'fate' of theirs. They will struggle against fate and the world, just for the sake of the 'sinful love' of theirs.

They were dying but they had a smile plastered on their face and their eyes were full of love for each other.

                                                                                           The 2nd time


Holding their hands firmly, they ran through the thick bushes of the forest.

They ran as fast as they could.



Screams escaped from their mouths simultaneously as two arrows pierced their chest at the same time.

They both fell to the ground and blood stained the grasses.

They were still holding hands, with their fingers interlocked firmly.

They were dying but they had a smile plastered on their face and their eyes were full of love for each other.

                                                                                          The 222nd time

Two bodies were lying on the floor.

Both of them had their bodies soaked in blood.

Pushing their legs, they struggled to prompt their body forward, with their hands outstretched.

Just as they were about to touch, a sword ran through their bodies simultaneously.

More blood flowed from their bodies.

They were dying but they had a smile plastered on their face and their eyes were full of love for each other.


Time and again they were reborn.

Their names changed, their circumstances changed and the age they lived through changed.

What remained the same was the unwavering love they had for each other and their 'fate'.

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