Blonde character rant

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Before I start, don't come for me, I dont know I'm talking about so uh yeah.... also Slight Spoiler Warning.

I feel like if I were to shift to Danganronpa or Haikyuu Me, Tsukki, and Togami would not get along.

If you really think about it, I'm really aggressive and energetic at random times. Most of the time I'm just tired and want the world to mute itself.

I'll probably accidentally insult one of them or hit them just because. I'm like 5'5 so if I'm angry enough I'm probably able to wrap my hands around their necks.

If you think about it Togami and Tsukki are the same people. Both are big jerks, blonde and have glasses and they point out things in the worse way possible. Tsukki makes fun of people that's shorter than him and Togami makes fun of people that has less money than him. Same person, different fonts.


Out of all the Antags that died wht did Togami have to be the only one who survives. I would be happy if they used his unused execution. Why do people want to be step on by this man?? He doesn't even look that good.

Oh to be Aoi 🤡

Must've felt good to put him in his place. I wish he was real so I slap him into Danganronpa V4 (Get it?? No?? Okay..)

In conclusion I dont like Togami and his Ego that is the size of Mondo's milkers.


Now on to Tsukki, there isn't much to say about him but I just hate him just because. I just to punch him in his baby makers. I dont even want to breathe the same non-existent air as him.

Overall, Tsukki is jerk dont understand why people simp for him he has the ego of Bokuto's ass.


On to the next blonde, Hiyoko. Hiyoko has a nice character design, I just don't like how she comes for my girl Mikan. Sometimes I just want to split her throat. It be interesting to see her as a surviving character as originally planned. I feel like there would be some good character development after Mahiru's like what happened with Fuyuhiko.


Speaking of boss baby, he's a great character to be honest. He got the character development he needed.



This walking time bomb, pomeranian, dandelion son of a bitch will kill me. Knowing me and my smart mouth, we would not get along. I'll probably yell back and and get blown up.

The fact I used to like this man is a unsettling.

I swear to god this man has mental issues, trauma and is really insecure. (Chile me too💅). I wonder how Izuku dealed with him without going off atleast once, he's too soft. He had to atleast thought about killing him atleast once. Jezz, imagine spending Elementary, Middle school and Highschool with the same douchebag that told you to off yourself and made fun of you because you're different then him.

Basically, needs more character development, has to start respecting others if he wants to be "The #1 Hero."


I'll probably make a part 2 if I remember more blonde characters I need to talk about or if I changed my mind about them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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