how it all started.....

14 3 1

Crap. I'm late again for another day of school and this time i knew it meant detention.

"Mom like I told you to wake me up"

"just hurry" her tone was angry like she could Hit in the head she was so mad. This was the third time this week I was late.

Busting through the door I ran on the mushie ground.I don't even know what time it is. My watch was stolen last week after I left it in the gym. Running and running I made it to the bus stop. Jordan gray was there. He lived right by my house we never really talked but at the bus stop.

"Dana really your late again!"

when he said my name it suddenly made me angry

"look I can't help it my mom overslept again and didn't wake me up and is it really any of your-"

interrupted by the harsh sounds of the bus pulling up we both climbed on. Suddenly I harsh cruel tug snatched me flying around a man in a dark vest and a ski mask had me screaming he tossed me in to a van a screeched off. Everyone on the bus just sat stunned.

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