Secretary Jeon (M)

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So hi??

Basically as you can see I'm updating 🙂

Well it's smut 😏

My poor mind and hands had to write some Smuts

I hate you kvstan 😭

It's kinda cringy ehehehee hope you don't mind


Taehyung's p.o.v

I was working on my computer when my door opened revealing a sweating .....jungkook

(Fuck 😳)

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(Fuck 😳)

(Forgive me everyone I couldn't find any picture huhu)

(Just pretend he is sweating like a lot)

Shit........I'm hard

Just staring at him fuck he look so fuckable right now

"Mr Jeon? Why are you late? You're late for 2 hours?!" I ask him

"I'm s..sorry Mr Kim I'm late, I accidentally wake up late,my car run out of gas so I had to take the subway but I missed the last subway and now I had to run to get here" he explain whoooo understandable reason but he broke a rule so that's a warning for now if he will be late again in the/for the 2nd or 3rd time guess I'll fire him

"Well that was a understandable reason but you broke the rules Mr Jeon if this happen again I'll fire you" I said sternly gosh I can't scold him properly

"Yes Mr Kim" he said and look down

"Go to work now" I said he nodded and left the room

Fuck I'm still hard gosh I have to wait 5 hours till people will be out and I'm gonna please myself [is that the correct term?]

Jungkook's P.o.v

I closed the door behind fuck why did I even stay up late last night

"Hey kookie?Mr Kim scold you?" I heard yugyeom Hyung ask

I nodded and face palm myself bad day really really bad day

"I guess kdrama made you stay up late right?"

I look at him with widen eyes fvck
Is he some kind of alien? How can he guess that

"How did--

"Fvck kookie we are literally best friend for years i know you are so addict in kdrama and BL series as well" he said and smiled

I put my head in the desk and whine

"Mr Kim will fire me no no no fvck"

Magical time skip ~

Taehyung's P.o.v

I look at the glass window in my office I saw no one

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