The story Continues

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After the incident with the cat king , flying or I shall say walking on hundreds of birds. Haru said her good byes, she yelled to fatso and walked off, she passed the area where she dove in front of a moving truck to save the cat prince, she looked at the scene and sighed, then continued walking she then walked past the area where she was chased by cats, she walked in her house and lazily slid her shoes off and her slippers on.

"I'm home."

"Oh good Haru, dinner is almost ready."

Haru just slowly walked towards the stairs, she had enough for one day. She slowly walked up to her room with her mom following around the corner of the stairs.

"Haru . . . . "

Haru closed the door and slumped to her bed fallen slowly to sleep thinking of the only one that she has a crush on, Baron Humbert von Gikkingen, after Haru's good byes. The next morning, Haru got up early, fixed breakfast and some tea for her and her mom. Her mom woke up late to find Haru dressed at the table reading the paper and already finished her breakfast, she went out with her friend Hiromi.

Before she left she told her mom about the tea and said, "Oh, by the way . . . That's my own special blend of tea. It's a bit different every time so I can't guarantee the flavor," then walked out the door.

As the years past Haru went to college where she only knew a few students, she wrote letters to Baron as well as receiving one from him, she kept thinking of Baron Humbert von Gikkingen, drawing him on her papers, saying his name randomly and one night saying it out loud, "Baron Humbert von Gikkingen, I wish we could be together, you're all I think about . . . . But that will never happen, I'm human and you're a fancy cat. . . ." when one day . . . . .

A new handsome young man moved into town, looked like he was from a rich family, he lived not too far from Haru, he went to the same school as Haru as well.

One day Haru entered her class just making it before the bell rung, everyone (mainly the girls) were surrounding the desk about three seats away, she couldn't see who it was, so she just walked by and sat down.

"So what are you doing here?" asked one classmate.

"Where were you transferred from?" asked another.

"Your cute do you have a girlfriend?" asked another.

"What's your name?"

The girls were all over him.

"Ladies please one question at a time. I came from England, to see a friend I have been writing letters to her and thought I would see how she's doing, I'm hoping to ask her to be my girlfriend. And my name is Baron." he said laughing.

Haru heard his voice and name and thought more, that voice sounded so much like her Baron could it be him, nah he's a cat not a human who was sitting behind her. When the teacher came in the students had there seat and started class. After that she didn't pay attention to him, just sat and day dreamed about what her darling Baron was doing.

One nice beautiful day he was walking down the halls he noticed something, when Miss Haru walked by.

"Excuse me, but is that a hint of catnip I smell, and a handmade cattail I see in your bag?" he asked stopping in the hall.

Haru never noticed him before and stood there in shock he had nicely combed orange brown hair that was a shaggy layered hair style down to his shoulders, and handsome golden brown eyes, Haru couldn't stop staring, then she realized what she was doing, "Oh . . . I'm sorry that was rude of me, yes those are the things you guessed, uhm . . . You must be the new kid here that everyone is talking about?"

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