Hope births Patience

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He believed!
Remember the story of Abraham or you didn't read the Holy books?
He of Old age would birth a child!
Did he not?

Now to you,
Who stand akimbo like a man who has lost his fortune,
Lost and bewildered he is.
Shut doors on hope, search for a rope to lope into a realm closer to one whom Hope lies with.

He forgets,
How long does desert yearn for droppings from the sky,
How long does an Elephant wait to birth after countless cry of Child birth it hears
He forgets how long I had search for one to cuff to the reigns of my Heart,
Guess what, still in search.

Hey Dear,
Soon, yes, soon!
Have Hope, as it births Patience
Patience births Contentment,
Contentment is a step closer to a YES.

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