Todoroki x reader -Death do us part

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The inspiration for this short story came from a playlist by Nimbus on YouTube, I'll link it as the cover for this chapter and as always, thanks for reading.

Ps: typed this fast so alot of mistakes sorry


Todoroki is on your moon lit balcony waiting and you can see him and hear him but your trapped inside a dark room inside a magic mirror .
Shoto looks sad and is about to leave ,seeing him like this breaks your heart. Emerging from the bedroom is a girl with your face, your body , an imposter.
You bang on the glass hoping and preying to anyone who would listen that the glass would shatter, you screamed but your cries and bangs were met with silence.
you could only watch helplessly as that woman kissed shoto in the moonlight of the balcony .

Your voice was gone ,throat was sore ,and your knuckles were broken and bloodied as you lay against the mirror watching shoto dance with your doppelganger. Hot tears rolled down your cold cheeks as you started to slip in and out of consciousness , the sound of claire de lune played only to fade into a long beep as your eyes closed , Thoughts of your life and memories of your loved ones flashed before your vision you opened your eyes again ,the last thing seen was shoto smiling and tears running down his soft features, you felt his hands clasping yours ,he spoke but you couldn't hear him but somehow you knew everything was gonna be okay, with that you closed your tired eyes and fell into an endless slumber.

Shoto was sprawled over the hospital bed , your lifeless body lay in his arms as he shook you and tapped your face trying to revive you , he gave you butterfly kisses on your lips and your nose but nothing worked. The poor man had sat with you for two years while you were in a medical induced coma due to injuries you had sustained during a routine city sweep. The whole this was a freak accident and fortunately you were just deemed healthy enough and were supposed to wake up any day now especially with a baby on the way but unfortunately the baby had came early and you were still unconscious so they preformed a c-section that went extremely wrong, the bleeding wouldn't stop and the doctors couldn't do much due to the amount of damage.

Shoto was let inside to say his goodbyes and the baby was taken to the nursery to be tended to, all half and half wanted to do was cry ,he wanted you back and this wasn't fair, you had opened your eyes for just a moment and smiled at him before you died and he had been filled with so much hope only to be let down when the heart monitor went off and your beautiful eyes closed for the last time.

Later that day one of the nurses went to look for shoto only to find him in the empty hospital room that used to occupy his wife.

"Mr.Todoroki I'm so sorry for your loss, she was a great hero and-"
the woman was cut off by shoto

"Its alright, you don't need to remind me how good she was...I know- She was the best at what she did, she loved helping people."
His eyes were red and puffy and his nose was red as well with a sniffle every time he spoke.

"Well, I just came to give my condolences and to introduce you to your baby, I don't know her name but I have a few suggest-" the women was once more interrupted as shoto nudged her out of the way and he picked up the baby girl from her glass confinement .

"Her name is (Y/N), because-she looks like her mother." The baby cooed and gurgled with a gummy smile as she looked up at her father, the nurse smiled as she watched the two together.

"That's a beautiful name Mr. Todoroki, it suits her well...I'll be leaving you two alone to catch up." The nurse took her leave as todoroki sat in a rocker humming Clair de lune to his new daughter as tears of both sadness and joy slid down his face.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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