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Hey everyone!

I just wanted to thank you in advance, this fic was mostly just for fun but I appreciate every single one of you for taking the time out of your day to read it :)

This is actually the first fanfic I have ever written! I write a lot of original stories but I can never think of a good ending, so this was my solution.

A story with pre-existing characters and no need to stress over much world-building really gives you the freedom to go wild.

You can probably tell I'm terrible at wording my own thoughts, but when it comes to narrating a character... let's just say I don't tend to disappoint >:)

Anywho, I'll just give you a quick run-down then we can get right into the juicy stuff:

*I'm writing this purely to write without the stress of perfection when I please so just know there will not be any set update schedule.

*I am by no means a professional author, but I do pride myself in proper spelling, grammar and flow of speech so if you catch any mistakes don't hesitate to point them out!

(That being said, for the time being, updates will not be heavily edited as I mostly just want to publish them for feedback. I will be reposting the properly edited and complete chapters once the story is complete)

*If you have any suggestions on how I can improve current chapters of plot points/scenes you would like to see in the future, feel free to leave a comment.

*For those of you who may be wondering, I already have a sequel of sorts planed so don't worry, this won't be the last you see of our favourite gang of fools ;)

(Spoilers: It's a Suki x OC and I'll be posting tones of bonus chapters throughout this book that build up to it)


Love, Lee❤️

ATLA: When Worlds Collide|| Zuko x Sokka Highschool!AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt