a normal school day?

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Third-person POV
Everything was quiet in high school in New York. Everyone was busy getting ready for classes and walking to their lockers. Alex was walking to her locker leaning up against her locker as Michael walks up to Alex. "Alex." Michael yells as Alex wakes up. "What?!" Alex says softly.

"You were asleep. How much sleep did you even get?" Michael asks as Alex sighs softly groaning. " not going to say Michael." Alex says snapping at Michael. "woah i didn't mean to hit a nerve." Michael says standing back with his hands raised. "I'm sorry....  I'm just on edge with the person coming to theater today and we have a deadline for the props as well... I'm sorry..." Alex says as the two start walking by the office. "at least your parents don't abuse you to the point of almost killing you..." Alex says softly as she sees a man in a hoodie with black jeans, shoes and mask walk into the office as she puts her mask on and hood up.

"why do you have your mask and hood from your hoodie up and an earbud in your ear- oh wait... you're listening to Alan Walker are you?" Michael says as Alex nods softly. the second bell rings and Michael and Alex hug and separate.

Alex walks to the auditorium and bumps into someone and an earbud falls out of her ear as she falls but is caught by someone. "i-i'm so sorry.. i-i wasn't watching where i was going.." Alex says softly about to say what she just said in Norwegian.  "Jeg mente ikke å støte på deg ... jeg beklager..." she mumbles in Norwegian and the man gets down to her level.

"It's alright... it was an accident. are you alright?" the man asks in a thick Norwegian accent as Alex gets a good look at the masked man. Alex nods softly as he looks at her mask, "an Alan Walker fan huh?" He asks and she nods softly.

"Ye-yea I'm waiting to get my Walker ID..." Alex says softly. "oh really?" the man in the mask says and Alex nods softly. "oh no.. I've got to get to class!" Alex says and the man nods softly as Alex puts her mask up over her nose and runs off to the auditorium and the man heads in that direction.

Alexie's Pov

I'm sitting in the auditorium as the teacher takes roll and i turn around to see the man that i had bumped into earlier. i didn't hear the teacher call my name. "Alexie W?" I hear the teacher say again and i nod looking at her keeping quiet and she smiles and we all disperse into our groups as i head up to the tech booth and yell to the others " WHAT MUSIC YOU WANT PLAYIN'?!". the others aka my theater friend which is practically the entire theater class except the popular group. they all yell putting on their masks and hoods "ALAN WALKER DUH!!!".

I hear the teacher open the door to the tech booth and she nods as the man from before walks in and i put on Unity and let it play and i smile and walk out the other door to my friends that we get up on stage and start to dance to unity; the as the song stops I head up there and the teachers gone. I put on the album Different World.

the teacher turns on my headset to connect to the speakers as i start to sing Unity as we shuffle the album " In the dark of night, The stars light up the sky. We see them flying free. That's just like you and me.." I pause and look up in the tech booth to see the man and he nods softly as i continue and we lock eyes "Everyone is lonely sometimes, But I would walk a thousand miles to see your eyes! You are not alone, we are family.. Hold me, let's escape all this reality~" i smile from under my mask and keep going "You are my symphony~ By your side, we are unity. You are my energy, My guiding light, we are unity! (We are, we are) We are unity! (We are, we are)We are unity!" I sing and now all the attention is turned to me; I ignore them and continue to sing "Although the rain might pour. A thunder starts to roar, The lightning wakes the wave. But through it, we are brave~! Everyone is lonely sometimes, But I would walk a thousand miles to see your eyes! You are not alone, we are family. Hold me, let's escape all this reality~"

i pause and take deep breaths and continue "You are my symphony~ By your side, we are unity (We are unity). You are my energy My guiding light, we are unity! (We are, we are) We are unity. (We are, we are) We are unity! We are unity~". my friends are smiling as they nod and I finish the song "You are my symphony (We are). By your side (We are, we are unity, unity), You are my energy My guiding light! (We are unity); We are unity~ We are unity!" I finish the song and smile taking a bow as everyone claps and the music from before continues.

Alan's POV

'wow.. she just sang that from memory! not many walkers can do that!' i thought to myself as i turn to the teacher and ask "who is she?". the teacher smiles and says "your biggest fan, she's been nervous about you coming here.. she told me that you both ran into each other in the hall way but she didn't realize who you were..". I look at the girl as everyone claps and she bows and jumps off the stage and runs up here to the tech booth.

She smiles brightly with tears in her eyes. "What? What's-" I ask now getting cut off by the girl. "I got my Walker ID!!!!" She says and I smile. "Do you know who I am?" I ask and she looks at me confused as I point to the logo on my hoodie on my back then turn around and she looks surprised.

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