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birth giver:
did you arrive safely?

Yes :)

Birth giver:
Okay I'm glad be safe and try and
make some friends



Alaska walked into the great hall after some first years got sorted. She was in her third year, although this was her first year at Hogwarts since she transferred.

"Then now it's time to sort one last student, Alaska Fox", The old man with a long beard, that she got to know as Dumbledore the headmaster- called out. Alaska walked towards him and felt all eyes on her.

She pushed her shoulders back and smiled confidently. She sat down on the stool and a woman with black hair in a bun placed an old musty hat on her head.

"Hmmm what do we have here? A lot of bravery, wit and confidence. Smart but a prankster, kind but mischievous. Better be-


A table that wore Scarlett and gold started clapping loudly. The other three table looked dissapointed. Alaska walked over to the table and sat down next to a read head. "I'm Percy Weasley, head boy." Alaska nodded, shaking Percy's hand before filling her plate with delicious foods that magically appeared.

"Alaska was it? I'm Oliver Wood, quidditch captain." Alaska smiled widely at the boy, she loved to watch quidditch, she wasn't a bad player herself either. "Can I have your number? To add you to the Gryffindor groupchat." Alaska nodded at him before passing over her phone to him.

He handed it over and a few notifications popped up.

'Oliver added Alaska to "Gryffinwhores"'

This is the new girl

Hi, thank-you for adding me :)

Welcome to Gryffindor, would you like me to go through the school rules with you?

Oh please not this again, we're trying to eat not fall asleep

Don't worry it's okay, nice to meet you all

Nice to meet you too, i'm younger than the rest but i'd be happy to show you around

Don't worry Ginny, i'm the chosen one so i should be the one to show her around

Woah your ego is nearly as big as that scar on your head

Let's just put our phones down and eat, we'll talk tomorrow

ALASKA-  A Harry Potter storyWhere stories live. Discover now