Fred Weasley x Reader (smut)

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Plot: You're in Gryffindor and in Fred and George Weasley's year. Gryffindor parties are always filled with surprises, to say it simply.

Reader POV
The game was over, Harry caught the snitch and we won, thankfully. I brought my broom to the ground as I gave Alicia and Katie high fives. The twins had just landed on the ground as Fred swung his bat to rest on his shoulder, covered in sweat. He started to walk to me while slicking his wet hair back.

"Hey Freddie" I said as I purposely bumped into him.
"Hey y/n, nice game" He said playfully shoving me back.
"Not so bad yourself" I smirked as we walked into the tent.

After Harry gave us a long talk about the game, we hit the showers. I cleaned myself up and went back to my dorm with Katie and Alicia.

"If Fred could stop undressing you with his eyes for five minutes maybe he could be as good of a beater as George," Katie joked.

"Katie I have no idea what you're talking about, stop kidding yourself" I quickly shot back. I love Fred but I'm too scared of ruining our friendship to admit it.

"Sure y/n, whatever you say" Alicia tagged along as we walked into our messy dorm. Game days always left our dorm a disaster.

"Do we clean before the party or tomorrow morning?" Alicia questioned, she was much cleaner than me or Katie. But we knew wins meant parties, and parties meant busy nights and tired mornings.

"Well considering how hungover we will be tomorrow...we should take care of it now." I admitted. Katie groaned but we decided to clean anyways, not knowing what tonight or tomorrow may hold.

After a few hours of cleaning and getting ready, a commotion started to come from the common room. The three of us made our way out of our dorms and the music progressively got louder. We made our way into the crowded common room full of celebrating students. I stood on my tip toes in hopes of finding the boys. After some small jumps, I caught their red locks in the corner of my eye. I grabbed the girls as we pushed through the crowd and found the boys.

"Hellooooo ladies" the twins said grinning stupidly. Parties were their scene. Between Lee, Alicia, Katie, and twins and I, we always knew how to have a good time.

"Hello boys, hello Lee" I smiled, looking over at our favorite commentator.

"So y/n, any wild plans for this evening? We are celebrating of course," Fred questioned, bending down slightly to shorten the distance between us.

"Celebrating? I hadn't the slightest idea! What's the celebration for?" I furrowed my brows while peering up at him.

"Oh shut it y/n, let's get to partying" George snickered as the music volume increased again.

We Are the Champions by Queen came over the speakers and the entire feeling in the room changed. We were all one house, Gryffindor together and celebrating that way. Hands swayed in the air as we screamed the lyrics, the best victory song. We all jumped around, swaying to the music as we enjoyed our celebration. A bottle of firewhiskey was passed around between the 6 of us as the night persisted. I felt light and happy, but sweaty. I needed to get some air. I grabbed Katie's arm and she turned to look at me, "I'm gonna go get some air! I'll be back!" I practically shouted in her ear before she drunkenly smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I pushed my way through the crowd and stepped out of the common room into the corridor. It was a complete scene change. From strobe lights and blaring music to a dark and quiet hallway. I could almost hear the music through the door so I quickly cast muffliato in case a prefect or professor walked by. I looked out over the grounds as I felt cool air hit my face, sobering me almost immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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