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(A/N this was heavily inspired by another AU about Shoyo becoming a coach. I loved it and decided to write my own version. Please enjoy. :))

I was about to walk into practice, when I hear what sounded like gossip. I was, unfortunately, curious what/who they were talking about. You know that saying, 'curiosity killed that cat.' I don't know who came up with it, but they hit the nail right on the head. It was everyone except Sugawara, Asahi, Noya,Tanaka, and the two managers. (I looked through the door window. I could hear things along the lines of, "Where's that useless ball of energy. We need to start practice. " from Daichi. Ouch. My own captain. Tears started rimming my eyes as I continued to listen. "We only need him for making it to nationals. I wish he were only here when necessary. Ugh. He's so annoying." Tsukishima chimed in. I was expecting that so it didn't hurt as much. What was worst is what I heard next. "I'm only dating him so he can't find an excuse to leave." said Kageyama in annoyed tone. At that, I just snapped. The tears immediately stopped flowing. I'm beyond pissed. He'd been growing more distant lately, and now I know why. Heh. He'll see. Time to make my entrance. So I barge in and exclaim, "Sup, bitches?" making them all jump. You could see their masks slip on. "H-hey Hinata. S-since when did you cuss?" Daichi asked, trying to change the subject. "You can't get off that easily Daichi. I heard every last word that came from your filthy mouths." By this point, you could hear the venom dripping from my voice. They visibly shivered. "I guess we can drop the act now, huh?" Diachi replied, pretending to be unfazed. "Whatever. I don't really care. Oh. And, Kageyama, we're so done. Both as boyfriends and and partners. Later bitches." I finish and casually walk out of the gym. Suga, Asahi, Noya, Tanaka, and the two managers both followed after me. I stopped and said, "Don't worry guys. I hate them, not you. Now I have something I gotta do, so, later." I stated, giving a small smile.

I then walk home and go up to my mom. "Hey mom, I just caught my team and now ex-boyfriend talking behind my back and found out they were all just using me. Except a few. So I was wondering if I could stay with dad in Canada for a few months and learn a few things." I asked with puppy dog eyes. "Oh Shoyo, hun, I'm so sorry that happened to you, but of course you can. You're father was just saying how much he misses you. Go pack while I call and set up your flight." I nod and go pack.

Time Skip to Canada with Shoyo

"Dad! I missed you!"I exclaim as I pull him into a bear hug. He's about 6"2 so he's way taller. "I missed you too Sho. You ready to learn to be just like your old man?" He sounds just as excited as I am. "I can't wait! But first, need a makeover!" He nodded. So, with that, we went to a mall. First we did my hair, which got an undercut, then I got a septum piercing and my ears. Next, we got me some grunge clothes that are more my style. "Perfect Sho! Now let's go home. You have a long 3 months ahead of you." My dad said. I just nodded in agreement. I did, in dact, have a long three months ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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