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My heart racing, beating out of my chest. Sweat soaking my bed and dripping down my forehead like bullets. I looked around and felt safe again in my pitch-black room. "Again", I said. This is the tenth dream I had in a row. They're all so weird. In every dream, I'm in a white box and someone's talking to me. His face is distorted but familiar. I then hear a faint voice telling me to do something. But I don't understand what they're saying. Then, it's like the person talking to me gets mad when he hears the voice and begins to talk louder, then jumps at me and I wake up. I looked at the time, and it was 5:08 in the morning. "Dangit", I said. I've been trying to stay up ever since the 5th dream I had. But around 3 am I would get tired and the next thing I know, I'm waking up looking like a sweaty mess that just saw a ghost.

School starts in 52 minutes--make that 51 minutes. I got up, brushed my teeth, and hopped in the shower to wash my sweat off. "It reeks in here," probably because all my sweat from the past ten days has absorbed into the floors. In the shower, I kept thinking about my dreams. Specifically, who and what was that voice trying to tell me. Was it important? "Lumi are you almost done?" my mom yelled across the house. "Yea, I'm about to get out", I said. "Ok hurry up, the bus is coming in 15 minutes.", she said. "What?!" I thought to myself. How long was I in the shower?. I finished up and got out. When I headed to the door to get my towel, I saw it.

The face in my dream. It looked like a kindergartener played with his face like a putty. In my dream, he was a chatterbox, but now he was dead silent. But his eyes spoke volumes. His pupils seemed to have the darkest shade of black I've ever seen. Piercing through my soul. But I realized he was looking at me, he was looking at my necklace. The one my dad gave me before he left on his adventure. He never told me where he was going through. Or when he was coming back. It's been years. Anyways, I wanted to close my eyes and open them back up to see it was just a hallucination.

But I was scared, the man walked downstairs that magically appeared in my room. Once my floor went back to normal. I washed my face, looked in the mirror, and told myself it was just a hallucination. I ran and got ready for school. I didn't eat breakfast and somehow made it to the bus.

That situation felt like it was an hour-long. I stepped on the bus and went straight to the back. I sat and began the work I was supposed to do when I tried to stay up. I looked on the page and all the words got blurry. "Where are my glasses?", I said as I was digging through my bag. The bus pulled off and my bag fell on the floor. The kid in front of me saw the bag and kicked it back to me. "Hey, you know bags have feelings too, plus my glasses are in there", I said. I got no response. "Hello?" "Oh, the ol' silent treatment." I then tapped the kid on the shoulder, but I didn't feel anything. "What?!" The kid looked at me and I fell back. I then felt someone pushing me into a void. "Hey, hey, kid wake up". My eyes opened and I looked at who was touching me, it was the bus driver.

I realized I fell asleep again, but that person in the dream. It was the same face from my other dreams. The bus driver told me to pack up and get to class. I looked down at my book to close it but I saw something on the page. It was a word. "Don't", the word was don't. I was wondering if I wrote that by accident. But, the weirdest thing happened. The word lifted and appeared in front of me. In black ink, it began to spell out a sentence. "D-o-n-t b-e-l-...", "Hey kid! I gotta go, hurry up!". I scrunched my eyes, got to my senses, and packed up my stuff. I headed to the school and got into the hallway when...

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