1. Another love...

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what better way is there to start off a one shot book with angst? I don't know so here it goes.



this story is mine!

author pov: 

I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care

Ianto hid the feelings for jack, knowing that he DEFINITELY didn't feel the same way for him. 'hey uh-" suddenly felt a overwhelming wave of  anxiety. 

'what if he says no- what if he just wants to shag you and not date. what if-' 

 "Ianto? what were you saying?"jack asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. Ianto quickly smiled at the immortal "just wondered if you wanted coffee?" jack still concerned but nodded letting go of the younger mans shoulder.

But it's so cold and I don't know where

Ianto sat alone at the reservation he made fro him and jack. he wanted to go on a date. but panicked. he already payed fro the reservation so he thought 'mind as well eat there.' but sitting there, he realized it was hard, this was going to be their first real date. 'A date...' Ianto smiled at the thought. jack making flirty jokes and holding his hand. laughing and smiling with each other.  then Ianto quickly frowned. jack just texted him.

my immortal<3- wanna hang out ;)

Ianto felt a pain in his heart. the face meant they were gonna shag. Ianto usually would've said yes, and raced over. but this time he felt upset and didn't want to see the captain. 

you- sorry. I can't. I'm not in the mood. 

my immortal<3- is something wrong? you were acting weird today. 

you- Yeah! I'm great! just tired today. didn't get much sleep :)

Ianto hated lying to the man. 

my immortal<3- okay. I can come over and we could just lay down. I want to see you.

Iantos heart started to beat a bit faster as he read the words but was still thinking about the previous thoughts. 

you- sorry not today. but ill talk to you tomorrow.

and with that Ianto turned off his phone and payed for the coffee. 

I brought you daffodils in a pretty string

jack sighed at the flowers laying across the coffee table. he knew he shouldn't have used that dumb face he always sends. 

he should've knew better, he told himself. he sighed throwing his phone in a random direction, walking over to his bed. 

but they won't flower like they did last week.

jack laid face up in his bed, thinking about the a blue-eyed male. he sighed just laying there...

And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright

"can't catch me! can't catch me!" Ianto sang through the hub running around giggling, holding jacks Vortex manipulator.

"Ianto get over here!"  jack said smiling at the sight of Ianto.  they were alone. it was another night where the two boys wanted to just be with each other. 

"come on sir! thought you were faster!" Ianto said grinning like a mad man at the balcony of the hub, jack on the first floor. 

the man smiled lovingly at the sight. Ianto grinning widely, panting slightly from the running holding his vortex manipulator. jack never felt so happy. he quickly ran up to the man holding up what was rightfully jacks. "took you long enough!" Ianto said smiling walking over to the man, draping his arms on his shoulders, pecking the man on the lips

I'm just so tired to share my nights

Ianto laid, silent tears fell as he just laid there, waiting for any sign of jack. a phone call, a knock on the door, jacks voice yelling for him. 

he just wanted to know that he was loved.

I wanna cry 

both men crying alone, hoping and wishing the other loved them the same way. 

and I wanna love

"don't do that!" yelled Ianto as jack was making eggs. "what?" jack said seeing that the eggs were fine. "cook! you know you can't cook." Ianto said moving to hold the mans waist. they both sighed, content with the way they are standing together. "can't we be like this forever?"  jack said snuggling into Ianto. 


But all my tears have been used up

Ianto sighed at the sight just 20 feet away. Jack with another random person. but remembered that he had to go meet Rhiannon to go pick up the kids. 

he started to walk in the direction of the two and quickly moved past them, but not before jack saw the man. "Ianto!" jack said quickly pulling away from the mysterious person. "don't worry Sir  just making my way through." Ianto said flashing a quick smile and walking away tears filling in his eyes. 'No! i have to be okay. wasn't the first time. but it will be the last.'

On another love, Another love

Janto smut one shots. DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now