Fandoms...More Specifically, Fandoms of the YouTuber Variety.

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Well... This goes out to my minute little fanbase. I'm very sorry, but I have to get this off my mind.

Recently, a lot of YouTubers (Mostly Minecraft) have gone downhill. Keep in mind that I was at one point a devoted Yognau(gh)t and you could not tear me apart from CaptainSparklez. I used to write shippings and fanfics on my account @ZebraSparklez, but I'm afraid those days have passed. Indeed, it makes me sick to my stomach to talk about this, but I feel like I must. You see, I'm done with all this "fandom" stuff. No more shippings, no more fanfics, no more fangirls. I suspect from now on I'll get very few reads, but at this point, I'm beyond caring. This does not mean I dislike ANY of the fandoms I was in. Not at all! I still like some of them! But I don't think I can take this "fandom" stuff anymore. I will still write Mineraft stuff most likely,  but not fanfics any time soon. I know some of you can relate to this.

Please understand...

-MinecraftUprising, AKA Zebra

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