i am climbing into the air and closing up the sky

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    "There were no stars before the big cat came. The Leopard. He brought light and stars and then left with little more than a "good luck" to the little cats. We have been here forever, since the start of the world, when we ourselves were nothing more than a twinkle of an idea in some being's mind, when the first cats left their prints in the dust, when they left their signature and said that they existed, they were here. The universe forgets them. The Leopard forgets them, but we do not. We remember each individual. We remember names, faces, languages both recent and long dead. There is nothing we haven't seen as we have seen nothing and everything.

    It's our duty to remember our charges. It is my duty to remember them and show them that no matter what happens, even if the desert is flooded and the land is eviscerated by disaster and pain and every desert cat is killed, that they will be remembered. They will be loved. They will be cared about. I am the moon, Dovestar, and it is my duty to care so much for these cats. I remember your son, too. He was not of desert blood, he did not have fire running through his veins and the paws to handle the hot sands. But as I know you, I also know him. Can I tell you a story?"

    Dovestar's mouth felt pained and dry. She had no words to describe what she felt being told all this. It was overwhelming, and the mention of her son felt like burning agony. She managed a, "Yes, you may," Before her voice faltered. The Coyote blinked her white, starry eyes at her.

    "I was once a cat like you. I did not start off with this body, nor this existence. Like all cats I was once space dust. And then I was a water dweller. And then, along the way, I became more than that water dweller, and the stardust I was made from became a cat. The existence of the world is complicated. Despite the Leopard's gift, the world was still very dark, and we were very small, and in a world with a thousand enemies waiting to feed on you, small is the worst thing you could be. I was a normal cat, and as a kitten, around the age of your apprentices, I gave my life for my family in fending off the night creatures.

    I do not know what happened after that. I suppose that the Leopard took pity on me, despite never batting an eye for my family, and he gave me a new purpose. I am the moon, Dovestar. But the moon cannot grant light without the sun, so when my brother soon followed me into the spirit world, that is what he became. We are balance, but also not. One day I will have to catch him— the Hare —and I will have to end this world. Do you understand, Dovestar? You and I both carry the weight of this world on our shoulders. I do not regret holding this burden. I would rather it not be anyone else. You hold the burden of being the cat who could save my people or end them. Their lives are in your paws. But I do not blame you for this."

    Dovestar's head was spinning. She felt sick, and not sick. She felt as if she could explode. "Why... Why not?" She managed to rasp out, and then felt herself dip a little because 'what the fuck, why the fuck is she questioning a God? How stupid could she be—'

    "I just don't." The Coyote's voice cut through her thoughts grounding her suddenly, "I wish things could have been different, Dovestar. I do not enjoy seeing my people suffer, and you could have done better. The cats of your people could have done better, and you will all be judged one day by the council of death. Your people have forgotten that over all, we are all cats. We were born from stardust and we will die and become stardust. But I still cannot blame you. I am not sure why."

    "Do you understand, Dovestar, why I am telling you all this?" The Coyote asked. Her pelt gleamed a little brighter. Dovestar didn't know what to say.

    "I... I think so."

    The Coyote didn't visibly react to this answer. "The gods favor you, Dovestar. You have had a hard life, and we have seen your potential, and while being our chosen may end in tragedy for you, I would like you to understand that you are not alone. I walk with you every step of the way. You have made mistakes, many, but I do not fault you for this."


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