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"It's alright to cry sometimes, it's gon be okay, it's gon be fine. We all gotta leave some day and that's the scariest thing"
-Kevo Muney✨.

||Los Angeles, California📍||
Legend Ariyah Jones

"Legend.... Legend wake up" I felt somebody shaking me making me wake up frowning

"Bro what?" I said irritated when I opened my eyes and seen it was my momma

"Your brother just got shot we need to go to the hospital" She semi yelled

"Bro what the fuck" I sat up looking at her

"When? What happened?" I asked confused trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes

"I don't know Legend. Drive your car there, imma take Jayda with me" She said with a shaky voice then walked out. I could tell she wanted to cry but was trying to stay strong

"Please be okay Malik" I mumbled to myself while throwing on some clothes and a hoodie

I grabbed my phone dialing my dads number while searching around my room for my keys

"Where the fuck are my keys" My hands were shaky and I was throwing stuff around in search for them

The phone rung all the way through then went to voicemail making me even more irritated

"This ain't the time to be ignoring calls Nipsey" I huffed going down the stairs and seen my keys on the living room table

I felt a lump in my throat leaving the house and getting in the car driving to the hospital as tears threatened to fall but I didn't let them

"Please be okay Malik foreal"

Once I pulled up at the hospital I rushed inside the front door seeing the waiting room filled with family and friends

"What happened to him? Was y'all with him?" I asked Tj and them, but before they could answer my dad cut them off

"Legend, come here babygirl" He said and I followed him out of the hospital to the front of it

"Daddy what happened to him?" I asked with my voice unintentionally shaking

"He was at the gas station and some niggas pulled up on him and he wasn't strapped. he tried to run but they got him in the chest. He called us while he was on the floor bleeding out and when I got there he was unconscious and the ambulance was putting him in the truck" He said and I felt a tear fall down my face and quickly wiped it

"Well what did the doctors say? Is he gonna be okay"

"Well that part Ion know, he been in there for like a hour and a half now, they haven't told us anything yet" he said and I just broke down and he pulled me into a hug, I felt like my brother was going to die and there is nothing I can do about it

"It's okay stop crying he gon be good" he said and I nodded wiping my face. I hated the fact that I always feel like I looked weak or scary when I cry because I never fully heal from situations keeping in my emotions in

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