Meeting the Servamp siblings. Part 1

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No one's POV
"Alright cadets! Listen up! We have a mission for you."
(Mikuni is Cowboy Loco, Misono is Sharpshooter (he's a sniper), Licht is Angel (for obvious reasons), Tetsu is Healer, Sakuya is Dagger, Izuna is Katana, Niccollo is Shadow, Mahiro is Reaper).
Reaper looked up from where he was digging the tip of his dagger into the tabletop and sheathed it. The commander cleared his throat. Although he didn't like that Reaper was destroying the tabletop, he knew that it was a foolish man that ticked Reaper off.
Reaper took the file and slid the pictures to everyone. Cowboy Loco frowned at the sight the picture in front of him,"Um, boss, this guy has a bag on his head-"
"Says the one who used to carry a doll around," snorted Katana, twirling one of her katanas in her hand. Cowboy Loco's hand strayed to his whip but a throwing star landed in the table between them. Quickly, they nodded their assent and listened to the rest of the briefing.

Meanwhile, in a abandoned house outside the city limits.
Sleepy Ash opened his eyes as Tsubaki and All of Love came in followed by the rest of the siblings.
He sighed and buried his head in his arms,"Can't deal."
"You will and you have to be awake for this," Mother of Wrath said, slapping a thick box on the table, rudely jostling him. He was handed Reaper's file, Doubt Doubt got Cowboy Loco's file, All of Love got Sharpshooter's file, Lawless got Angel's file, Mother if Wrath got Katana's file, Tsubaki got Dagger's file, Old Child got Healer's file, and World End got Shadow's file.
Sleepy Ash looked at the pic-
There wasn't one.
Shocked, they all looked up at their sister and she shrugged,"They move around at night, so it's hard to get a picture of them; more so of Reaper. He's really reclusive and elusive so we're going in blind but their names give us some hint of their skill set but only slightly. Remember the mate ceremony is tonight, the only night we can roam their city unmolested. Who knows, maybe these guys are them."
Horrified, the others looked at her as she left then Sleepy Ash thumped his head on the table.
Later, close to midnight.
Sleepy Ash walked the human streets, head down, seemingly uninterested in his surroundings but in reality, his eyes roamed the buildings around him. He thought of the file he was given.

Code name: Reaper.
Actual name: unknown.
Eyes: suspected to be amber.
Hair: brown.
Skin: peach.
Was raised on the streets until found and taken into Wolf's care.
Training: all early training and other skills training undertaken by Agent Wolf. Do not engage. ED.
Sleepy Ash remembered asking Wrath what that meant and she had replied.
"I think that means extremely dangerous. Be careful, all of you."
Cowboy Loco's POV
I stood in the shadows, thinking over the file I had been given and shivered slightly.
I took it because no one wanted it. I didn't want it either, but Reaper can get scary if he's pissed. Top that off with the fact that he was trained someone badass? That's ten times worse-
A cough came from behind me, making me spin around to see bag man and rolled my eyes, "Sup. I'm guessing you're my target?"
I couldn't see his reaction but I knew that he was raising his eyebrow, "I'm your target?"
I shivered, his voice was low and husky and that sends shivers down my spine.
I stepped back, unclipping my whip, letting it unfurl around my feet, "Yup. Aren't you lucky?"
I smiled, knowing full well, he couldn't see my mouth move but he was unnerved by the way he shifted.
He then lunged at me, only I wasn't there anymore. I had flicked my whip and it hooked onto a street lamp above me. I landed on it and then jumped off, landing in a roll.
"Hey, uh, Reaper?"
"I don't think this guys are your regular clean up."
"I see. Be careful, Cowboy Loco."
I grinned, "Roger Wilco, boss."
I spun around, moving to my left just as he began shooting at me with two glowing guns and I barely dodged.
He lowered the guns, his red eyes intent on me, "You're the first human to be able to avoid my shots."
I felt my eyebrows went up but, almost too late, I realized I left myself open as he rushed me.
I guess there's only one play to make.
I twisted the handle of my whip and it began to thrum. I flicked it out, the electricity crackling across the hidden barbs, and it made direct contact.
The explosion had sent Baghead flying into a building, giving me time to pull my gun out of its holster and point it at him, "Alright, so there's two ways we could do this: you could come with me or I'll shot you and drag your ass back with m-"
A gunshot tore into my shoulder from behind and I dropped my gun and whip with a cry, my hand rushing over to the bullet hole.
I looked behind me to see C3 and scowled, "Reaper, come in."
"C3 is back. And they got me cornered. Well, it was nice working with you. We all know we're all too far from each other so I won't  go down with a fight."
"Do not engage them, Cowboy Loco! Abort the damn mission!"
I picked up my whip, grunting in pain, unaware of the person I was charged to bring in staring at me like I was crazy.
One of the guys cackled, "Is all that you got, Mikuni Alicein?"
I tensed but never got the chance to fight when something hit the back of my head and everything went black.

Doubt Doubt of Envy's POV
I looked down at the human in my arms as I waited for the C3 to leave.
His blonde hair fell across his face as he slept. I had removed his mask and was taken back by his beauty.
His hair was blonde with a few braids longer than the rest of his hair.
When he had been awake, his eyes were a beautiful brown.
He wore the clothes of a cowboy.
His whip, that I had confiscated, was one of those heavy duty whips that humans used to use on slaves, but the weight of the whip was light and its hidden barbs were pure gold, the perfect conductor of electricity.
Whoever made this whip knew what they were doing. And that scared me.
I knew from the moment he spoke that this was my mate.
Once the C3 members left, I took him back to the mansion, wondering why the hell C3 want with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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