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Hello! I am your author, emoti. So I didn't see a lot of content on Wattpad that is dedicated to kwamis as humans, or kwami's in general, so I decided to contribute some. Anyways, this page will also be for requests, and I will be giving a brief intro on all the stars of this book, and explaining the plot. If you like this book, please comment and vote, I would love to hear your opinion! 

- Emoti out. 

Plot - So, I would first like to say this is an AU (Kind of) And involves the main kwamis. They are all renting like an apartment kind of thing, and 2 people each share a room, so I'm guessing it'll have 4 rooms..? And the story is about their daily life. Also, they are human in this AU, and they don't know who Marinette and Adrien are, so yeah (Sad, I know.) Down below is a brief explanation of each kwami, their likes, dislikes, etc.  

1. Tikki 

Gender: Female
Persona : Cheerful, happy-go-lucky virus, knows how to cheer everyone up. But incredibly scary when mad, a small note, never steal her sweets. 
Likes : Cookies, Pastries, Rom-com movies with plagg, cuddling. 
Dislikes : Anyone stealing her cookies, pepper, dirty hairbrushes and strongly hates the smell of nailpolish or wall paint. 
Nicknames : Sugar Cube. (Only by plagg). 
Best Friends : Plagg, Pollen, and Wayzz. 
Roommate : Stays alone, sometimes goes over to Pollen's room. 


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2. Plagg 

Gender: Male
Persona: Sassy af, ignoramus but still knows everything around him. Little acts of uncredited kindness here and there (Tikki still doesn't know who gave her that jumbo pack of cookies.) You can expect a forecast of extreme sass when he is mad at you. 
Likes : Camembert, irritating Wayzz, Camembert, throwing homemade snowballs at people, Camembert, playing with Tikki's hair, Camembert, and did I mention Camembert? 
Dislikes : When his Camembert is taken away from him, when Tikki is mad at him and when the town cheese store is closed. 
Nicknames : Stinky Sock (by Tikki), Gross ball of cheese. (By everyone.) 
Best Friends : Tikki, Trixx. 
Roommate : Wayzz 

 Roommate : Wayzz 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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