one: touch

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Vulnerability in touch

   I laid it all out on the line, putting myself out there. Vulnerable, open, unaware of the potential breaking of a heart.

   I cried, my eyes unrelenting in showing it's emotion; not scared to reveal my colors. My voice never faltered in telling the truth, the whole truth. I never had an ounce of fear about the wavering of my voice or the breaking of my speech whilst I emotionally poured it all out—I just spoke.

    My smile formed when I genuinely found something humorous and when I found peace with another individual. It was not to be kind to the other, but it was my body's natural response to the world around it.

   Not to mention, my arms fled to embrace a person, never worrying about potential threats. My body just told me to love everyone, and felt safe with even strangers.

  My heart would pour out its love to others, without a seconds thought. It was never in question who deserved what, and who only used me, because neither did I understand the concept, nor care. I was always inviting the lives of others into my life.

   Now the mere thought of being in close proximity with someone repulses me. I embrace others to be kind and blend in, but my mind however, detests it. I attempt to condition myself to be okay with it, with all the many embraces one gives and receives, but body wants to immediately pull away and my head is in agreement.

   In this society, it's rude not to embrace others. It's custom to greet others with affection and warm touches without a moments thought in order to be hospitable, but does one ever wonder the genuineness of the ones participating in such an embrace? It's thrown around so loosely now, do we even know the difference?

    Embracing others and holding them with your arms is a sign of vulnerability, which society likes to dismiss. Some may not think twice about the greeting, for they are desensitized due to tradition and culture, but if you ask others it's a much more difficult task to do. Have we ever thought about how a person must feel to not want to embrace others on a casual occasion? Have we put their well-being on a shelf to be forgotten and never cared about? Why is it that we forget preferences and enforce everyone to live our lifestyle when one simply has a way of living theirs?

     Thinking one hates the world and some one in particular due to not wanting to participate in an action, doesn't fall into the category of you've-done-something-to-the-person so it's a personal vendetta. It has nothing to do with the other person, although in some cases it just might be. For the most part, it has all to do with how person's brain and mind interpret and associate actions.

   It's not individuals hating the world when they detest a simple form of showing love; it's them preferring another. Perhaps the question we all should start asking ourselves is, "how do we better greet others to display that we care have have love for them in a way all forms of people can understand and enjoy?". Once we start asking ourself questions, only then will we truly start understand others better.

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