the beginning

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Adrienne's pov

the almost chosen one.

its all I have ever heard. It's all that runs through my head.




I almost had the glory. I almost had the fame. I almost was the most praised person in the wizarding world.

but no. I got keyed the term The unlucky one. isn't that so nice?!

I do count myself rather lucky though. Unlike Harry, I have a parent and a very loving one at that. I have a wonderful stepmother, tonks, and a family within the order of the phoenix. I had great friends, Hermione ron and harry never paid any mind to me being the unlucky one. as much as I cared for ron and Harry, Hermione and I truly had a bond like no other. we were truly best friends, practically sisters.

We were both the top of the class, although I mostly was interested in potions. Surprisingly I had wriggled my way into a soft spot in snape's heart, despite being one of his bullies daughter and not being a Slytherin. I excelled in potions, being moved a year above my academic level.

"Adrienne. Adrienne!" Hermione yelled and shook me awake. I jolted up on the couch in the burrow. it was the summer before our fourth year and I decided to spend the last few weeks of the summer at the burrow, along with Harry and Hermione.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around, seeing it was dark out. I looked at her with a glare "what the hell Hermione?" I hissed, not wanting to wake anyone else up since I assumed it was late at night

she giggled "you passed out as soon as you got here. you left me to deal with " she sat on the couch with me, putting my legs in her lap. she showed me her watch. 11 pm. I had gotten there at 6 pm.

I laid back down and laughed "sorry, you already know my fathers...condition. last night was a full moon so I was up all night worrying"

"if you worry anymore, your face will get stuck like that" I heard a voice say and felt a flick on my forehead. I sat up and saw Harry, standing over me with a charming smile. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him "wow thank you harry, you truly know how to talk to a lady" I said in a posh voice. I sat up, pulling my legs out of Hermione's lap and sitting criss-cross on the couch

"Oh I know I'm quite the charmer, very good with the ladies" he joked, sitting on the floor in front of us

"is she finally awake? bloody hell I thought you went into a coma" Ron muttered, ruffling my hair as he walked around the couch and plopped next to harry.

they both had long hair, obviously had not cut it since the beginning of the last school year. Ron pushed it out of his eyes as he smiled at the three of us "its been too long since the four of us have talked" he said, leaning back on his elbows

"Yeah that's because you are awful at writing, Ronald" Hermione said, earning a snicker out of me. they continued to bicker as my eyes drifted to harry

many had thought we would have been rivals, but quite the contrary. we bonded strongly over our joint pain, our joint loss and our joint fear for the future. we grew fond of each other, me more than him I suspect. I had developed a small crush on him our third year and I had prayed it would fade over the summer, but it hadn't.

I quickly turned my attention back to Hermione and ron who were still bickering as if ron stole her doll.

I chuckled "stop fighting or ill hide all of the desserts in this house. and your summer work" I pointed at Ron and then Hermione.

"so are we going to do anything or was I woken up for no reason?" I asked, taking off my glasses and cleaning them before they were yanked out of my hands. "hey!" I said, squinting and looking around.

I heard a yelp come from harry "give those back!" he said

I saw two tall gingers figures dancing with each other with harry and my glasses on.

George and Fred.

I laughed and got up to go get my glasses back "you gits give that back! you know I have no depth perception in one eye this is bullying" I whined, trying to grab a pair of circle glasses off of one of their faces

why did our glasses have to look so similar when I'm blind?!

I stumbled over one of their feet and felt someone grab my waist, before falling on top of someone. I looked down and saw Harry, who was squinting just as much as I was "fancy meeting you here" I said with a laugh as I got off of him, praying my face didn't show how flustered I was. I helped him up as Fred and George started their performance

"oh harry thank you for catching me before I fell" one of them went

"Adrienne anything for you! I have something to confess, I have loved you since the first year. please marry me" the other followed suit

"oh yes, yes! I will marry you!" one dipped the other

I rolled my eyes and laughed, used to the twins constant teasing. I looked at Harry who I could see was a crimson red.

I walked over to one of them and kneed him in the crotch, grabbing the glasses off of his face as he bent over. I put them on, realizing they were Harry's. I handed them to him and smiled "here you go" I said

"Brilliant, thank you, Adrienne," he said, putting them on. I nodded and pointed at the remaining twin who handed them over. I smiled sarcastically and put them on my face. "you guys suck" I laughed, sitting back in my previous seat.

Hermione rolled her eyes "you two are barbaric" she said

"you and ron aren't any better you let the blind stumble" I pointed my finger between the two

"yeah, you bystanders" harry played along, still pink

was he really that effected by their words?

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