The pacifest

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It was always a pacifist or a true pacifist route that the kid chose.

He's lucky that there was no genocide routes like he's heard about that other sans or swap papyrus's go through.

Yes, he knows he wasn't supposed to know about the multiverse and all other aus. But he found out a long time ago by accident, he's just lucky the kid alway went pacifist route, so he didn't have to watch his brother and any friends he had, die.

So he's grateful for that, but when will the kid stop with the resets? It was starting to annoy him just a bit. But as long as they don't try a genocide route, he was mostly find with the resets...for now at least.

He's grateful that he doesn't have to lose his brother in genocide routes because the kid has refused to do anything but pacifist or true pacifist routes. Thought the kid has reset so many times, it's on the...past a thousand resets now.

Resets full of pacifist routes, he knows he has it better then other aus, since their kids have done at least one genocide, some have only genocide routes and he's seen what happened with the sans or papyrus's who remember that.

It wasn't pretty, he didn't want to go insane or anything and kill his friends and family for LV. No he didn't want that, so he is glad his kid refuses to do any genocide routes.

And— "oof." He heard a silent thud, someone must have tripped. He thought, "hm?" Sans looks an the other him that was dusting himself off.

They both looked at each other, "hi, what's your name?" Sans asked the other sans that was from his au.

Sans could see the wary, calm, and  caution that the other had right now.

"I'm sans." The other sans said and it actually did slip sans mind for a second, "what? Oh you must be from another alternative universe. I found out about those a long time ago." He told the other sans. Hmm.. he should come up for a nickname for himself for right now so he didn't get confused between the both of them.

He was going to call himself..hmmm...refusal for now since that is apart of his au name. He can come up with another one later that would suit him. For now, refusal had to talk with the other sans.

Refusal  still felt a bit startled and shocked to see another one in my au, non usually visit.

"Right, I forgot those were a thing." Other sans said looking a bit embarrassed.

"Hehe, yeah, I would have forgotten them if I didn't keep an eye socket out." Refusal said with a grin. Other sans chuckled at that.

"So how did you get here? You came from the ruins correct? Or did you just teleport by accident?" Refusal asked. I'm curious as to why and how the other sans got here and if there is a reason here's here and not in his au.

"Not sure, I was just dropped off at the ruins, then that was all." Other sans told refusal.

"Did anything unusual happen recently in your au?" Refusal asked.

"I wasn't in my au for a while. Don't know what's on over there." Other sans told refusal.

"Hmm...interesting..." refusal said and rubbed his chin a bit while thinking.

And it ends there I wanted to make it longer but they ready posted it lol.

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