Basic Information

566 8 189

1. Be nice out of rp.
2. Be literate.
3. Use ((, )), // out of rp.
4. Tag me after 1 hour, if I don't respond tag me after 2 hours.
5. Play my crush, I'll play yours. I'll respond more, most likely unless I'm just very bored.
6. You can be in more then one rp at a time, though my replies might be a little late.
7. No Mary/Gary Sue's or OP OCS. Please.
8. Don't start on a prompt until I have accepted your OC. And don't put your starter first without asking.
9. You can have a maximum amount of OCs of two.
10. Have fun!
11. If I haven't replied in a few days, you can move onto a different prompt.

Crush/Significant Other:

Name: Leviathan, 411394
Nickname(s): Levi, Speedy (as a joke by the main three and Don)
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush/Significant Other: Gilda/Don

MineName: Leviathan, 411394Nickname(s): Levi, Speedy (as a joke by the main three and Don)Age: 11Gender: FemaleSexuality: BisexualCrush/Significant Other: Gilda/DonAppearance:

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📓 Fourth smartest, usually misses 1-2 questions.
📓 Extremely athletic, agile, and flexible so it makes sense that they're interested in sports that involve quite a bit of running. They're a powerhouse of stamina, so it takes a lot for them to tire out.
- Plays tag with Don and the others quite frequently to improve her stamina.
📓 Loves rain so they sometimes beg Isabella for them to sit outside for some serenity as long as they stay dry and clean.
📓 Good friends with Ray, Norman, Emma, and Don since they're the main ones they trust.
📓 Their weakness is that they get too cocky sometimes and that they're too straight forward, especially towards Emma.

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