Mahiru x Kuro

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Lawless was walking round trying to find a new part time job since he kinda killed his old boss for yelling at him! Anyway- He was walking round the mall until he found a place that was hiring only 1 person so he instantly got it not actually knowing what he got himself into- (T~T dis boi dumb)

Time skip to in the studio brought to you by Licht being a Tsundere~

Fright: Hello Everyone and welcome to the reaction show! Our last client was fired sadly but we have a new one! So we won't know how he'll react~ please welcome....LAWLESS!

Lawless: Hey Everyone~ (winks)

Fright: ......anyway- Here's the first ship you'll be reacting to Lawless! Just look at the screen then give us your opinion, simple!

Lawless: Alright then Princess~ let's start!

Lawless: Alright then Princess~  let's start!

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Lawless: Woah... I didn't know brother Sloth had a thing for his eve~ this is quite surprising, yet not at the same time.

Fright: this ship is Called 'MahiKuro' it's very popular. Plus I personally ship this~ I mean he's the perfect housewife for such a lazy guy~

Lawless: Yeah I agree (laughing along with me)

Fright: so what do you rate this out of 10? I personally say 9/10!

Lawless: Out of 10? Hmmm..... I'll go for a high number like you and say 8/10!

With the Group at Mahiru's house who are watching the show!

Kuro: (hiding his face while blushing) This is so troublesome-

Mahiru: (slowing dying from embarrassment and hiding his face with his hands while blushing furiously!) W-WHY W-WAS THAT S-SHIP ON THERE?!

Back on the studio-

Fright: Until next time my fellow hoomans~

Lawless: Bye you lovelies~

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