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The distant ringing of his alarm going off slowly drew yeosang back to reality, he opened his eyes slightly getting used to the uncomfortably bright space around him. He laid there for a while waking up as one would call it, after a while he lazily reached over to his bedside table and turned off the alarm. He then sat up finally stretching somewhat but still ending up sitting there for a few minutes longer before getting up to go to the bathroom.

Today was the same as every other day: wake up, go to work, go home, occasionally eat, work some more, and then go back to sleep. He sighed quietly walking into the kitchen looking for something to quickly diminish his morning hunger, he settled on a piece of toast and some milk. After a while of sitting on his phone he realized that he was going to be late for work if he didnt get up right there, so he did. He quickly changed his clothes, grabbed his bad, and left.

As per usual he realized he'd forgot to brush his hair halfway to work, he groaned in annoyance but figured he didnt have time to turn around so continued on his way. Arriving at work was normal, walking into work was normal, going to stock things was normal, however what was not normal was that there had been a boy who'd been walking around the store since he'd gotten there. Which he paid no mind to because he simply had more important things to do, yet the few hours that yeosang had at the register he kept noticing the boy who was still mindlessly wandering around. And he kept noticing him until his shift ended and the boy left, right after he did.

Yeosang was just far too tired to think about it anymore on his drive home, walking into his quiet empty house was a feeling he'd grown accustomed to. He set his bag down, ignoring everything around him and walked straight to his room before collapsing on the bed.

The next morning was the same as any other one, wake up, get ready for work. However he had to stop getting ready in the middle of brushing his teeth after he'd realized things were missing, he immediately ran out of his bathroom to see if his bag was still by the door once again ignoring his environment. To his relief his bag was still there, he opened it and stared at the completely empty bag staring back at him. He stood up and looked around, he teared up almost immediately seeing his usually tidy house in shambles with almost everything broken. Next thing he knew he was just rushing into the living room, then the kitchen, everything setting in. Yeosang had been robbed, he collapsed on the floor. Sitting there in complete shock, he found the tears rolling down his cheeks long after they'd started falling. They'd taken absolutely everything, everything important that is.

He walked into work a mess, on the verge of a breakdown, one little thing would crack him. He did everything as normal, stocking the shelves with his unusually shaken hands. This was entirely his fault for forgetting to lock his door. Work went by painfully slowly, yeosang needed a hug. The day was ending, he was exhausted. And finally the thankful last customer walked up to his register, he prayed to god they weren't a rude one. As if luck just hated yeosang the customer was pushing him over the edge, finally she left. Leaving a tears eyed yeosang to crumble on the supermarket floor, as soon as he hit the ground he no longer had over his emotions everything spilling out in large waves. He let out gut wrenching sob after sob, being only partially able to breathe. And he sat there for hours just crying, after the tears had finally gone leaving him feeling empty inside. He let himself fall asleep right there, he knew he'd be fired in the morning but it didnt matter to him at all in that moment.

Waking up felt normal to him, he woke up comfortably. This definitely wasnt what the supermarket floor felt like, he opened his eyes almost frantically seeing a mustard colored couch terrible color for a couch my god he looked around this wasnt his house either. Where was he, yeosang s head was spinning, had he been kidnapped? That's certainly what it seemed like, he stood up seeing he was still in his work clothes. Almost immediately being pulled back down, his body was extremely sore everywhere. He groaned quietly in discomfort looking around once again, he saw an open door light shining brightly through it. He stood up and walked over to it, the sight was almost angelic as he stood in the doorway. An incredibly white room, a white bed frame, a bed with white sheets sat atop it, and a white fluffy comforter wrapped around probably a fourth of the boy laying in the bed.

His skin shined in the morning light, his dark red hair messily draped over his forehead. Yeosang was so caught up in his thoughts he hadn't noticed the boy open his eyes. "What? Do I have something on my face?" The voice was so distant yeosang almost hadn't heard it, keyword almost. He snapped back to reality seeing the boy staring at him, yeosang found it so overwhelming cute he let out a whole squeak. Which the boy giggled at, yeosang was going to die on the spot. "Y-your the boy who kept walking around the store" he stuttered not really knowing what else to say his cheeks quickly being flushed from embarrassment- "yeah-, I'm jongho" he said still obviously tired, "yeosang" he answered trying to get some sort of hold on himself "wait- wait why the hell am i here" he asked now finally grasping the situation. "Oh u-uh you fell asleep on the supermarket floor, without turning off any of the stuff. And well i didnt want you to get fired, or have the store get robbed. So i just took you to my house and locked the door" jongho was starting to get nervous as well. Yeosang felt around in his pocket not feeling the keys so he looked out to the table by the couch seeing them, then turned back to jongho.

"So you took me to your place after finding me on the supermarket floor?" He asked. To which jongho nodded now not looking at him in the eyes anymore. "Well uh thanks" he said quietly. They sat there for a while in silence, "why that color of a couch tho?" He asked out of nowhere to which jongho looked up at him offended "are you slandering my couch choosing skills'' he set one of his hands on his chest to seem more offended, yeosang laughed at that then glanced back at the couch which somehow caused to him to remember the following day over again. He sighed and slid down the door till he was sitting on the floor staring at the wall, today was going to be rough. The next few days would be.

"Are you alright?" once again the voice pulled him back to reality to see jongho seated near him, yeosang considering just lying it off like he always did but something else just couldn't. He shook his head slightly looking up at jongho, the other saw his pain almost instantly and fought the urge to pull yeosang into a hug he'd never let go of. "Wanna talk?" He said softly, even if he didnt know yeosang at all really he was the type of person that didnt really need to and was willing to listen anyways. Yeosang tried to calm down a bit knowing he was seconds away from tears again, "well someone broke into my house the other day..and robbed me, left my whole place a mess and took practically everything i needed" he was playing with his fingers trying to distract himself, "why dont we go to your house, i can help you clean up" jongho suggested. "Oh its ok you dont have to, ill get it done in a few days" yeosang said. "Ive got nothing to do today anyways, plus I'd be happy to help" he smiled at yeosang sweetly.

And yeosang simply couldn't say no to a face like that. Here they were in the middle of his messy living room staring at the surrounding chaos, they started cleaning. They spent the next 3 days cleaning, getting to know each other, and becoming friends. By the end of the third day they'd become closer than yeosang was with any of his other friends, except wooyoung of course.

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