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" Are you mad, like have you seriously lost it Arjun? "

" You promised me you won't pass judgments. "

" I do not fucking care, I'm not doing this! Like how do you expect me to hide your engagement ring worth 6 lakhs? "

" Listen. I'm not doing this. Neither can I take my stand before Dad. I shit bricks when he stares at me that way. This is the only option. "

" Really? This is THE only option. And you think your dad won't be mad at you for losing your engagement ring! "

" No! I was not in charge of the ring!
Somebody else was. The maids could have stolen it! "

" Arjun. Get lost. "

" Arya!! You are my only, final hope. Please stop this engagement tonight. "

" You are a fool! You think the engagement won't go ahead without the ring!? "

" No! It won't! Ankita's mother is a weird woman, she has got this ring shown to some priest. Only after he approved of the design, did she agree.
The engagement will at least be delayed. "

" Arjun, do you want to delay it, or do you want to stop the marriage? "

" Of course the later, but I pee in my pants when I see Dad..... "

" So, wear diapers but still, please, take your stand, Arjun! Aunty would not be happy seeing you doing these nonsense than speaking your heart out! "

" Can you please not remind me that my mom isn't on earth to take stands for me?
Arya! I can't turn into some Hercules in six hours. But you can hide my ring for at least ten hours. "

" Opphoo!! I don't know what kind of an idiot I'm dealing with.

I'll hide it. But that's it.
I cannot save you from this engagement any other way! "

" Yayyyyy! Finally! My darling Arya has once again proved her loyalty! "

" Shut up! Now get lost! "

" Where to? "

" What do you mean by where to? It's your engagement in six hours! Go and get ready! And of course don't forget your diapers. "

" Fuck engagement.
I'm settling here, ordering paneer momos. Let's celebrate this mess with black coffee shots. "

" Arjun! What exactly are you planning may I know? You look like a bastard to me right now!
Get out of my house this freaking moment, otherwise I'm not hiding your ring and calling uncle right away! "

" Arya, sit down and chill.
Don't stress.
Paneer tikka momos? "

" I'll break this vase on your head now if you don't move it in two seconds. "

" Even with my flight and fight hormones at their peaks, I can't move this 78 kilos in two seconds. So, you keep your absurd demands to yourself. "

" What are you, Arjun? Do you have any idea what that poor girl will go through because of your.... "

" I have never cared about any girl in life except for my mom and.....

Hey! Arya! I have an even better idea!
Chuck hiding ring! You hide me instead!! "

" I am leaving my house. You stay here and order paneer tikka, momos, dosa, vada paav, dahi vada..

" Arya just listen to me! You have got nothing to do with this. I'll just stay here. You dress up, lock your house, and go to my engagement ceremony. And behave as if you too are equally shocked when nobody finds me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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