{ Scorpius & Lily }

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Edited; 11.22.15

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Shouted the man with pink streaked brown hair as he waved his wand.

"Teeeeddyyy," the red haired teenage girl groaned dramatically, clapping her hand to her forehead in exasperation. Even though she was fifteen years old, and well past throwing fits, she was close to stomping her feet in a tantrum right there at Platform 9 3/4.

"Liiiiiiiiilllyy," he mocked her in a high pitched, whiney tone. He held his wand at a book hovering atop her head, just slightly out of her reach. Her father and mother, Harry and Ginny Potter, and Teddy's fiance, Victoire Weasley, were a few feet away watching the antics with very amused looks.

Lily crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. "You know, you won't be able to do stuff like this anymore, Professor Lupin."

Teddy's face twitched into a mischievous grin. "I won't technically have the title until Headmaster Longbottom announces it at dinner tonight, so.." And with a small salute, he snatched her diary from the air, and made a run for it through the crowd. Her eyes widened and she threw her luggage case down, bolting after him as fast as her legs could carry her. If he read what was in it... Let's just say he would never let her live it down. And everyone knew that Teddy Lupin couldn't keep his metamorphmagi mouth shut.

Not particularly paying attention to her surroundings, Lily was pushing through the moving students frantically and ended up slamming into someone. The force knocked her over onto the hard ground, but the teenage boy only stumbled a slight bit. She glared up at blonde shaggy hair and grey piercing eyes.

"Watch where you're going, will you?" Scorpius Malfoy muttered.

"Me? Who just stands there in the middle of a moving crowd?" she snapped, standing up to brush herself off. But then she looked around in vain, already aware that she had lost Teddy.

He had probably already changed his appearance by now, all because Scorpius just had to be standing there in her bloody way. Of course, it wasn't really his fault --- she just needed to blame someone for all the embarrassment she'd be enduring once Teddy found a way around the password charm. She groaned and rubbed her temples, in which a headache had ensued.

Scorpius was staring at her with an eyebrow cocked. "Alright there, Potter?"

She mentally cursed herself as she felt her face heat up. Of course it just had to be him.

"Yeah Malfoy," she mumbled not meeting his skeptical gaze. "I just may have to kill Teddy, is all."

He chuckled lightly, "Is that so?"

The sound of his amusement caught her off guard and instead of lying like she planned, she blurted out, "He's got my diary."

"I see," was his only response. He seemed almost distracted as he took an unconscious step towards her and their gazes locked.

"Sorry about running into you," she continued nervously as her ears turned the same shade of red as her hair; a lovely trait inherited from her mum's side of the family.

He shrugged, but didn't break his gaze away from hers. They stood just staring at each other until a loud voice broke the trance.

"Oi! Lily!" A familiar voice called from behind her. She turned swiftly to see her eldest brother James Potter smiling a huge toothy grin. He eyed Scorpius, then wiggled his eyebrows knowingly at Lily. "Blimey, Lils. Teddy told me alllllllll about your cr--"

In an instant she clamped her hand over his mouth, now knowing that she was indeed going to kill their new Transfiguration professor.

"Shut up," she hissed shooting him an evil glare. And that's when she felt something slimey and wet on the palm of her hand. "EW, JAMES!" She cried pulling her now salvia covered hand away from his mouth. "You are disgusting."

"Well so are your thoughts about how 'lovely' Scorpius Malfoy is!" He retorted, sticking his tongue out.

Lily froze in her spot, refusing to turn around in fear of Scorpius' reaction.

"Wow, look at that blush, mate. You look like a tomato," James laughed. She shoved her brother to the side in embarrassment and stalked back towards where she had abandoned her luggage.

Albus Potter was sitting on his suitcase, which he placed next to her abandoned one, and was reading the large book Aunt Hermione haf bought him last Christmas. When Albus noticed Lily walking towards him, he promptly closed it and looked up at her expectantly.

"You okay?" He asked quietly. For a moment, she considered sharing her problem; she loved both of her brothers equally (most of the time), but she was always closer with Albus. However, she decided against telling him about Scorpius. He and Albus were close friends and were both in Slytherin, so chances were, the scenario with James would come up in their conversation anyway.

"As much as I'll ever be," she mumbled grabbing her luggage and dragging it onto the Hogwarts Express, ignoring the curious looks her parents were giving her.

As a creature of habit, Lily wandered in the direction of the same compartment that she sat in every year, but she was so early that none of her friends had boarded the train yet. When she opened the compartment door, there was a single lily flower sitting on the seat with a piece of parchment tied to it.

Curiously, she picked it up and untied the note off the lily. Unfolding it, she read;

Don't let them bother you so much, you have an adorable blush.

P.S. I think you're lovely too.

Her face heated up instantly as blood rushed to color her cheeks once more. Before she even really had time to process, a knock made her look up from the note to see Scorpius standing in the compartment doorway with a smirk on his face. "Mind if I join you?"


I was thinking that I might turn this into a story instead of a one shot. What do you guys think?

If you liked it, please could click the orange vote star for me!

It'd be greatly appreciated :D

P.S. I Think You're Lovely {Scorily}Where stories live. Discover now