Chapter One

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Who am I?

There's nothing

I'm nothing



That's a lie......



My name is Kokichi Ouma....

Light flashed in Kokichi's eyes as he burst out of the locker door. His eyes still adjusting to the sudden change of lighting.

Looking around he realized wherever he was, it wasn't familiar.


Where am I?

He paused for a second, gathering his thoughts. With his eyes now properly adjusted, he examined the room he'd burst into.

"Hmmm...." Kokichi looked around the perimeter of the room searching for any clues as to where he was and how he'd gotten there.

He paused, a slight feeling of dread washing over him as he scanned the room.

There's no exit to the outside.....

Suspicious... that was the only way he could explain it. Nothing in this place that he'd seen so far had made sense. Why was he here? Why couldn't he remember why? What was going on?

Growing tired of the isolated space, he exited the room and went in search for something more interesting.

Walking along the corridors, Kokichi heard a strange humming noise coming from within what he assumed were rooms.

Taking a deep breath, he followed the eccentric noise. Pushing open a door to find another person lurking within the room.

"Wait...." he paused, examining the strange entity for a split second before panic ensued on his brain.

The "person" he'd stumbled across had smooth hard features. But what surprised him the most was what it was made of.

Is that metal....?

Shit, that's not human.

He glanced behind him towards the exit preparing to make a run for it. He stared down the weird thing again, his breathing hitching slightly.

He stopped briefly as an unknown voice spoke up.

"Umm..excuse me.."

He was caught

Kokichi was a bit surprised when this strange entity spoke up to say something. And respectfully too...

"Hello there, my name is Kiibo. I'm the ultimate robot." As the words left the robot's mouth, Kokichi knew there was something.... off.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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