20 Facts

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1) I'm a very devoted singer, with a range from F3 (F below middle C) to A5 (A two octaves above middle C). And I'm in 2 choirs plus private voice lessons.

2) On that note ( ;) ), I am OBSESSED with Les Misérables (the musical, though I have read a page here and there of the book and plan to read the whole thing someday). I have all but 10 or so songs from it memorized (to put that in perspective, there's about 45 songs in the musical), and I hope to play Éponine in it someday. 

3) Other roles I'm considering are Mimi (Rent) and Marian the librarian (Music Man), but I don't know yet. Of course, I'm also open to new musicals.

4) I'm a lucid dreamer, also known as a oneironaut. I'm not the best at it, but I'm getting pretty good. The thing that I need to work on most is dream journaling; I'm really lazy about keeping it up. EvynlinDiae is my lucid dreaming parter :)

5) My favorite Disney movies are The Aristocats, Aladdin, and Lion King 2: Simba's Pride. My favorite Disney song ever is A Whole New World.

6) I'm a crazy cat lady and when I get older I plan on having cats named after characters from Les Misérables and Aristocats, and at least a Crookshanks for Harry Potter.

7) I DETEST CGI animation. 

8) I am a huge astronomy nerd and live in a fairly dark area, which is great. I have galactic shoes, constellation socks, nebula pants, and a cat nebula shirt and I plan on wearing them all together sometime. 

9) I DETEST the idea of reading on a Kindle and stuff like that. *shudders* makes me sick. 

10) I hate most modern pop music, with a few exceptions, and even then it's less "I like it" and more "I don't hate it". (Showtunes for me, thank you, as well as some Croation folk songs here and there)

11) I have 11 pets: 4 horses (Red, Taffy, Finn, and Lizzie), 4 cats (Luna (she's my special cat) Holly, Zac, and Cassie. Zac and Cassie are mommy and kitten, and they're our barn cats), and 3 dogs (Jasmine, Sadie, and Cody).

12) I will copy almost every vocal sound I hear my Luna cat make. And she talks a lot.

13) I can't stand it when people say "like" all the time. I admit, I still do it sometimes myself, but I'm making an effort to stop.

14) I have had 27 pets over the course of my life (all the various fish counting as one)

15) I normally go to sleep around 2 AM and wake up around noon, but I'm trying to bring it back an hour or so.

16) I'm unschooled - and yes, that's different than homeschooled - and I hate the whole public school system in this country.

17) I may or may not get married, and I definitely don't want to have children.

18) I want to learn to speak French. And no, it is not just so I can read/listen to Les Misérables in it's original language and understand it, though that is a perk.

19) I have over 130 friendship bracelets that I've made.

20) I have had quite a few dreams where I've been fiction characters. So far I've been Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender), Hermione, Harry, Ron, Luna, Wormtail (Harry Potter), Elsa, Anna (Frozen), Rapunzel (Tangled), Rachel (Glee), Marius, and Éponine (Les Misérables).

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