Nastu arrives!

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Mirajane POV:

I was sitting behind the bar eating cake and serving drinks like normal.

" Hey guys!!" Lissana yells

She is dragging a boy with Sakura colored hair,

" Lissana is that a new recruit" I ask

" Yep" Lissana replies

" I have been looking for someone new to beat up" I say

" Umm hello I'm Nastu" He comments

" Nastu Dragoneel" he states

" We're would you like your stamp" I ask

" ummm back of my right hand in Pink" Nastu replies

I stamp him and he sits down at a table, he lays back and takes a nap. Erza busts through the door walking in a sitting down,

" Who is the new person" Erza asks

" His name is Nastu Dragoneel he is taking a nap over there" I reply and point

" Woah, he has a cool scarf but we need to do the ranking exam so I should go wake him up" Erza replies

She walks over and shakes him awake.

They chat for a bit then the battles begin.

3rd person:

First is gray he charges at Natsu,

" Ice Make Lance"

He catches it a melts it then he punches gray in the stomach. Sending gray into the wall knocking him out,

" Next is Pete"

Pete gets smacked with one punch

He defeats 2 more B classes,

" I'm next" Erza states

She transforms into her Base Armor and dashed at Nastu he dodges sweeps her leg and elbowed her back he jumped over her swing at his feet and dashed back, Erza began transforming, when Nastu dashed up and punched her in the stomach knocking her out.

" Who's next" He asked

Mira dashes at him and lands a blow to his stomach Nastu elbows her wrist then goes flying,

" Owww my wrist" Mira complains

Nastu dashed at her she dodged and swung it was caught by Nastu who dropped to the floor taking her down with him, he flipped her over and slammed her into the ground.

" I'll try now, Satan Soul"

Her power erupted and she punches Nastu through the wall, Nastu walks back and coughs up some blood,

" Well my turn" He replied

He grew some scales and he appeared right infront of Mira and flicked her forehead sending her skidding, before she hits the wall Nastu catches her.

" First Person to make me use dragon force, your strong" Nastu comments

" and you have pretty and soft hair" He throws in

Mira blushes dark red and sits up, they go sit at the bar and eat some cake.

" Nastu.. did you try in out fight?" Mira asked

" I could ask you the same you weren't trying either" Nastu answered

They talked and ate cake together the rest of the party.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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