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authors note::

hello lovelies! i have a question before i begin this story. i was wondering, since there are many people who are part of the boystory fandom who aren't necessarily female or go by she/her pronouns, would anyone like me to create another version of this story with different pronouns/genders? :) it would come out after the original writing does, but it would still be there, so if that is something you are interested in, just let me know!

recap of "presence"

you had taken the once in a lifetime chance to dance with someone you had looked up to for the past year, which ends up turning out better than you had originally expected. this dance partner turned into a close friend, and after a while, a lover. but, then your time had come where you had to head back home. but, after then four months of waiting, here you are... you're here. you're here where you feel as though you're meant to be... you're here with him.


the said everything good must come to an end, but was that really true? why couldn't things simply remain as they are? why can't time just freeze and the connection you have with him turns to ice with it? well, it's all put to the test with one phone call... would your relationship with this dream guy of yours really be forever? or is it like glass, where with one slip and fall, it's in pieces upon the floor?

- 𖧷 -

- 𝐋𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐘 : 𝖻𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝗍𝗐𝗈.Where stories live. Discover now