Before The "Proposal"

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"JIRO, JIRO!!!" Mina screamed at the top of her lungs. Ururaka did the same, it seemed as if they were having a screaming contest or something. "JIRO!!!! KAMINARI WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!! GET UP!!" Ururaka screamed before Mina. "Gosh, calm down. I'll go to him, just tell me what's going on? Is it this important, I mean-" Jiro being cut off before Mina got a phone call. *Kaminari* Mina whispers to Ururaka about something. "You know, I can just talk to Ururaka about it, you can take that." "ALREADY DID. COME ON URURAKA SORRY JIRO~" They run to Kaminari's room. "Hey, mind helping me..? I just want it to be perfect, you know? She's just like the love-" Kaminari says being cut off by Mina. "OKAY WE GET IT, YOU TWO ARE LOVE BIRDS AND YOU NEED MANTAL HELP SO YOU CAN PROPSE AND YOU BOTH CAN LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER~" "Mhm! I can do your hair, even though I'm sure she loves you the way you are. You two are so cute!" Ururaka says, admired on how brave he is, "I wonder when ____ will propose to me~" >////< "I-it's not proposing," Kaminari started "I just want to tell her my feelings!" (Kaminari's mind: Does she like me back?! Does she like someone else?! What about Yao-momo and Shinso...) "Mina, get the brush, I already have to comb. Oh and yeah, we kind of have to hurry because we already told her to meet you but we didn't tell her where. So she might come on here or call us." Ururaka said as she grabbed to comb and combed his hair. *Mina gets the brush and gives it to Ururaka* "Yuh so we're just going to hurry. I'll help you with your outfit! What do y'all think she'll like? Purple, yellow, a blank suit or maybe even just some casual clothes because I want it to be perfect for you guys too!!" Mina said as she walked to Kaminari's closet, "What kind of hair would she like, and you of course. This will be perfect, and I swear to god if it isn't, I'm going to cry myself to sleep for you guys, so make sure it's perfect. And, we need someone to act like Jiro! Or maybe we could just put a picture of her on our phones for him to practice!" Ururaka said grabbing the comb and brush with a thinking face. Kaminari wasn't really listening because he was thinking of the worst possible things that could happen. (Kaminari's mind: What if she likes todoroki?! What if I go blank and forget what I'm supposed to say?! What if I start to cry?! What if-) Kaminari's thoughts are cut off by the door being opened, quickly. "Oi, dunce face." Bakugou says, being followed by a, "Bakubabe- er, bro, you shouldn't do that! You have to knock, he could have been-" Kirishima's cut off by Mina saying, "BAKU-BABE? IS SOMETHING GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO?! IF THERE IS, IM SO HERE FOR IT! URURAKA, YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT?!" *Mina and Ururaka sqeal* "HOW AMAZING IS THIS! TWO SHIPS ARE SAILING!" Ururaka says right before a, "W-what?! Me and Kirishima?! PFTT, never... PINK CHEEKS AND RACOON EYES DON'T YOU DARE SAY A WORD. WAY TO BLOW OUR COVER, WIERD HAIR!" Bakugou snaps. "Aw, Bakubabe. I didn't mean to!" Kirishima says. "Um, what do you guys even want? You guys came in my dorm and now there's a movie right infront of me." Kaminari asks. "Dunceface, don't you dare say a word either," Bakugou starts, "Earphones wants to talk to you." "Oh, ok- wait JIRO?!" Kaminari has wide opened eyes aswell as Ururaka and Mina. "WE HAVE TO HURRY!!"   *Mina grabs a black suit and Ururaka starts combing and brushing Kaminari's hair.*  "Uh, I guess we can go now. Come on." Bakugou shuts the door while Kirishima follows after a wave. Mina sets down the clothes on Kaminari's bed and runs to where Jiro is, "Hey, Jiro, my best frand! Anyways, before you say anything, there was an error, Kaminari didn't have to talk to you." Mina said quickly, "Wait wha-" "NICE TALK BYE!" Mina didn't even let the poor girl speak. "That idiot, he made my hopes go up.." Jiro mumbles as she goes back on her phone.   *Mina rushes into Kaminari's room*  "Okay, so I told her you won't need to talk to her, Kaminari. Now, we're going to hurry, mostly, we have to practice! I'll get the picture!" *Mina scrolls through her camera roll* "Okay, here. What are you going you going to say?!"    "I-I, I uhm, I-I you know we've known each other for a while a-and y-you're like r-really pretty.. I uhm-"     "My ears, she'll never appreciate that, Kaminari! Quit the stutter, it's for sure not that hard," Mina snaps. "Again." That goes over and over and over again until Kaminari can get it.

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