Who is in Control: Part 2

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(I'm too lazy to make this part longer than it already is, so stay tuned for part 3. It's gonna be even more lit, I assure you! We'll have some profanities in there, I'm just warning you now. And yes, I'm making it canon in this AU that Sero smokes weed. Also, the theme song for this segment is you should see me in a crown by Billie Ellish because it fits with Jaclyn/Diamond turning back to her usually bubbly and good-natured self for saving Mira. She will break the law and do much more to keep her daughter from harm.

On that note, enjoy!)

"You really want to go to hell"


"DIAMOND-CHAN!!" Toga squealed excitedly, rushing to greet the two heroes. "Whoa, Cell. She's a friend." Diamond reassured her sidekick, Cellophane. Her posture relaxed when she let Toga envelope her with a warm hug. "Really?!" The taping hero whispered with a jittery tone. "Yes, everything is fine." The unbreakable hero replied reassuringly.

The petite psychotic blonde giggled. "What's the occasion?" She inquired. "We-" "I was wondering if you know where I could find my daughter." Diamond replied casually. "The kiddie? I don't think I've seen her in awhile, she was here-wait you have a kiddie?!" Sero stepped further inside and awkwardly listened to Toga. "Did she look like a mini me?" The unbreakable hero asked. "Yeah, but she's not here-"

"That's what I was gonna tell you doll, ugh...fuckin' frying pan." Blueflame stumbled in behind them, clutching his head with one hand. Cellophane and Diamond huffed and readied themselves to fight him again. "Dabiiii, why are you always fighting people? These are our friends!" Toga scolded and ran in between them. "They're not, psycho. She was gonna chop my head off." Dabi argued irritably. "Actually I was at one point." Jaclyn smirked. "Ooh, fun!" The blonde clapped her hands with approval. "Who's side are you on?!" The villain covered in scars furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh, good question. I don't think I have a side! I didn't think there were sides..." Toga answered, chaotically bubbly as ever.

"Why are you so intent on following us?" Diamond interrogated Dabi with contempt laced in her tone. "Because...because she's my daughter too...and I fucked up big time. I'm the best lead you have for finding her." Blueflame admitted. "You really want to go to hell, don't you?" She muttered with a sigh.

"Not me dollface, the guys in the lab." He argued and crossed his arms. "What lab?!" She furrowed her eyebrows, slowly more afraid for her daughter. "I think he brought her into-" Sero observed before being interrupted. "I had Shiggy and Kurogiri send her to this research facility to have her blood drawn and looked at for the black market and sh-" Dabi interrupted before getting interrupted himself. "That is literally what I just said!" Cellophane said back dramatically.

"Sorry Cell, I'm just surprised...and a little impressed that he has morals." Diamond confessed. "First of all, who calls a person 'Cell'? Second, of course I have morals. Who do you think I am?" Dabi defended himself verbally. "A dumbass who sold his daughter to the black market for approval of his superiors." She remarked bluntly before sighing loudly. "I'm sorry, I'm not getting anywhere with this loathing thing. Cellophane, I'm trusting you to come up with a plan. I'll need some time to adjust to working with this goonk again." Jaclyn apologized to her sidekick. "Ooh violence! I wanna help!" Toga giggled eagerly.

"Uhh, we are going to definitely need a distraction to get into the lab before anything else. I can't think of anything that would be distracting-" Sero scratched the back of his neck as he started coming up with a plan. "Me going stabby stabby-" Toga suggested eagerly. "No." Dabi shook his head and interrupted. "As much as it hurts me to say this, I think that's where 'Blueflame' can do something useful for once." Jaclyn suggested mockingly.

"Like your alias is any better." The villain covered in scars muttered snarkily. "It is." Diamond sassed insistently. "Really? 'Diamond'? Do you really like Rihanna songs that much?" Dabi scoffed at the scowling hero. "That has nothing to do with-" Jaclyn replied defensively. "So much that-" He continued on despite being interrupted.

"Can you two stop acting like a married couple for five minutes?!" Cellophane shouted in frustration. "We're not acting like a damn married couple!" The two yelled back in perfect sync. "That's like saying oranges are purple." Sero whispered to himself sarcastically. "That's like saying Shigaraki is straight." Toga blurted with a knowing smirk on her face. "Damn it, how did you remember handjob is gay?" Dabi groaned at the undeniable fact. "You two kissed once. I think." The blonde replied. "We don't have time for this. Must I remind you my daughter is in danger." Diamond hissed, covering her forehead with her hand. "Our daughter, you stuck up hero." Blueflame huffed, crossing his arms.

"I'll just cut to the chase with my idea. Dabi has a fire quirk and Mira is being held captive in a lab. Naturally the facility is going to have some kind of explosive material..." Jaclyn trailed off. Her dark brown eyes flickering in the dim lighting as she concentrated on explaining her idea. "That's something I can manage. Explosions." Dabi smirked. "Yeah, it is." Diamond smiled faintly. "Where is the weed when you need it..." Sero complained under his breath. "I think Mr. Compress has some in the back," Toga blurted.

"Some of what?" Jaclyn raised a brow in confusion. "Nothing! Let's keep scheming!" Toga chirped enthusiastically. "Right. I don't think I should be in charge of bringing Mira out of there safely." Diamond added, "I think you should handle that, Cellophane." Sero nodded hesitantly. Being put in charge of his mentor's daughter was a lot of pressure, it was overwhelming to think much into it. "Toga and I can handle clearing the path of any threats. It'll be a solid rescue." The unbreakable hero stated confidently. "Rescue?" The psychotic blonde frowned. "Uh, you'll get to kill people. Bad people, people who took my daughter-" "OUR daughter, damnit. She's OUR fucking child." Dabi growled.

She rolled her eyes. "Deny it all you want, I'm still her father." Blueflame continued with a scowl. "Sure, sure." Diamond muttered nonchalantly. "As long as we get to do what Stainy would do, I'm in!" Toga agreed with her usual chaotic, bubbly nature. "I hope I don't let you down." Cellophane smiled supportively. "I know you won't." Jaclyn answered with a grin. "Bonus points in my book for stealing a car." Dabi smirked. "Oh, I have the perfect plan for that." The unbreakable hero replied with an equally devious smirk curving onto her lips. 

~Time Skip Brought to You by Me Not Telling You All About Diamond's Abilities~

"Why didn't you tell us you could break into people's cars without breaking them?!" Cellophane squawked, shocked that his mentor could do something so significant for breaking the law. The four had to walk further into the labyrinth of alleys before finding any vehicles to break into naturally but it didn't take as long as the two heroes thought. "I've been able to do this for a while but I haven't officially done it before. It goes against the heroic image I've been trying to make for myself." Diamond answered calmly as she unlocked all the doors to the abandoned black Porsche. "Narcissist." Blueflame mocked her. "Manwhore." The unbreakable hero remarked sourly.

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