[Broken hearts can't be fixed]

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Hey hey hey! I love Oikuroo, I found out it existed a week ago and just had to write really sad angst. My inspiration was In another life, even though the book doesn't take many (any really) similarities. Also as I was writing this, I cried so I dare you to try not to cry as you read this, good luck 🙃

"Beep" The sound a heart monitor makes when the heart stops, the sound that makes your heart stop. That sound is all Oikawa could hear, on repeat, playing in his head.

That was the sound of Iwaizumi Hajime, the love of his life, dying.

Iwaizumi had been driving home, no phone, full attention on the road, like always. But others driving had different priorities.

Another car had run into him at high speed, Iwaizumi's car skidded before rolling over five times.

Oikawa had made it to the hospital in record time, but that didn't change the outcome. He'd ran in the hospital room only to be met with a loud and unwelcoming "Beep," before he was ushered out of the room by the doctors.

It had been a month since Iwaizumi's death, Oikawa was drinking, smoking and going around fucking hot girl's he met at the club.

But today he would try something new, well not necessarily new, just something he hadn't done for a while. Oikawa was going to the coffee shop.

When he got there, he looked at himself through the window: dark eye bags, dishevelled hair and a miserable look on his face.

Oikawa tried to smile into the window, but he just looked fake. He let his smile drop as he walked into the small coffee shop and sat at a table by the window.

A while later a pretty waiter came to get Oikawa's order.

"Hello, my name is Kuroo Tetsuroū, and I'll be your waiter for today," Kuroo said with a genuine smile, something Oikawa lost the ability to do a month ago.

"Hello, could I get a coffee?" Oikawa spoke, his voice sounded different from the happy Oikawa people were used to. "Is that all, sir?" Kuroo asked.

"Yes- uhh actually, could I also get your number with that coffee," Oikawa asked smoothly, he was glad to see that he could still be smooth after all that's happened to him.

"Hehe, coming right up~," Kuroo said as he ripped a paper out of his notepad and wrote his number on it. He winked then walked away.

Oikawa couldn't think after that.

He couldn't think because his mind was filled with the similarities between Iwaizumi and Kuroo.

In reality, there were no distinct similarities between the two, but for Oikawa, it was like Kuroo and Iwaizumi were the same person.

When Oikawa got back to his apartment, he put Kuroo's number in his phone then texted.


Hello, is this Kuroo?

Yes, and you are...?

I'm Oikawa Tooru, the guy who asked for your number earlier.

Aah, you! Hey there~

You looked so pretty I couldn't
just let you walk out of my life~


A lie. Oikawa had found Kuroo interesting because Kuroo reminded him of Iwaizumi.

Broken hearts can't be fixed; an Oikuroo fanfic Where stories live. Discover now