chapter 1

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Tw// planes, foreshadowing, caps, badwritting and probably misspelling

“Please buckle your seatbelts before we take flight, I repeat, Please buckle your seatbelts before flight.” 

Patton slowly opened their eyes and rubbed them before realizing what was even happening and quickly buckling their seat belt and grabbing earbuds from their bag but not putting them in just yet. 1.78 hours Patton thought to themselves while fidgeting in their seat a bit. What if the plane crashes? It probably won’t though….What if I DiE?....what if I don’t get any food?... 

Patton never usually thought about this and when Patton did, they just shrugged it off a bit and shoved some sort of snack in his mouth or tried to distract himself. 

But now that they were actually faced with it, with an ACTUAL slight chance of death, no snacks, and all his distractions were in his bag above in the cubby above the seat-which he was too anxious to grab.  “The plane will be taking off in 3 minutes”

Patton opened the window he was sitting next to and looked at the partly-cloudy partly-sunny sky. Patton sighed as a few birds flew by the plane.

“The plane will be leaving in 2 minutes.”

Oh no oh no oh no…. Patton whispered under his breath to himself. 

“Hey, you ok?” A man who has been sitting next to Patton this whole time without Patton knowing.

“H-huh? Oh yeah I’m fine. Totally chill. Oki doki. Great.” Patton responded immediately. He wasn’t that good at lying especially to strangers. Especially strangers like this one ;).

 The man was wearing a fancy prince costume, dark black leggings and shiny red rain boots.

“You sure?” The man asked, looking a bit worried this time. He scooted a bit closer to Patton. 

“No.” Patton looked down at his fidgeting hands. “It’s my first time riding alone.”

“Oh. Well we barely know each other but I’m here.” The man said pointing his hand out for the other to shake. “I’m Roman!” 

“I’m Patton!” Patton responded excitedly shaking Roman’s hand. “Sorry to ask but why are yo-”

“Dressed like a prince?” Roman finished the sentence correctly. “I cosplay as a job and these are the only clean clothes i had packed"

“The plane will be leaving in 1 minute.” (Yes all of that happened in a minute)

Patton took a deep breath and started to fidget again. Roman gave Patton a reassuring smile to help Patton feel a bit more safer. It didn’t help much but Patton smiled back anyway.

“Why are you heading to New York?” Patton questioned turning their head towards Roman.

“Oh, I came to Florida to visit family, and go to an anime convention. I’m going back home.” Roman responded calmly looking at Patton. “How about you?”

“I needed to get away- to restart.” Patton responded, almost looking guilty about something. “I need a new life.”

“Oh yeah a lot of people move here for that reason.” Roman brushed off the guilty face. He figured it was none of his business asking a stranger about something he’s probably uncomfortable talking about. 

“The plane will be taking off now.”

521 (not including these)

528 (including these)

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