Adopted (rewritten)

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I wake up around 8 am to wake James up "James shift back to a human" I say

"Got it" James shifts back to a human and we go back to sleep a hour later zaki and Jacob wake and wakes us both up

"Alright you two get up no time for slackers" Jacob says

"Alright we're getting up" I say as me and James get up

"Why did you wake us up so early" James says

"Today is the day where the parents that come in to make a choice to who they want to adopt" zaki says

"Ok" I say and I get out of bed and I put some nice clothes on

"I hope we get adopted" Jacob says

"How long have you been here for?" i say

"basically my whole life" Jacob says

"Our parents left us here when we're very young" zaki says

As we're talking two people walk in here

"Look at those kids" one of the parents say

"I'm 16 but whatever" I think to myself

"I like these two right here" the other parents say and point at me and James

"Wait you want to adopt us?" i say

"Yes we do" one of the parents say

"Great i can't wait to go home" I say

"Alright we'll go fill out the paperwork be back in a few minutes" the other parent says they leave and go fill out the paperwork and come back a few minutes later "alright it's done let's go you two" the other says

"Alright let's go James" I say as we leave the building

"So what's your name"  James asks

"My name is randy" randy says

"My name is David" David says

"Well I'm jack and this is James" I say

"Well nice to meet both of you" randy says

"It's nice to meet you too" James says as we get into David's car and he drives us to his house we arrive a few minutes later

"Alright you two go inside we'll catch up in a few minutes" David says

"Alright" I say as we both walk into our new home and as we're walking this nerdy looking person comes up to us and says

"Who are you why are you here?" he says

"Well your parents just adopted us into the family" I say he looked to be the same age as me and James

"Oh well since you're going to live here my name is mike" mike says

"Oh that's a nice name" I say

"Well I might as well tell you but don't tell my parents but I get bullied at school a lot" mike says

"I know how that feel I got bullied a lot in school too it's not fun" James says

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that but you should know every now and then they have a bon fire in the forest" mike says 

"I see maybe we'll get them back" I say

"Wait really how?" mike says

"I have my ways" I say

"Alright can I go when you go" mike asks

"Fine you can go" I say

"Jack are you sure about this?" James says

"Yes I am" I say

"Well it's a full moon tonight I guess I have to go" James says

"Wait why do you say that?" mike says 

"No reason" James says

"Just like what James did to Mitch at his party" I think to myself

"Anyways lets go" James says

"Alright the hopefully my parents don't mind me being out this later" mike says as we leave the house

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