Truth be told (rewritten)

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"Well what do you want to tell me?" Mike says

"Well we aren't normal people," I say

"What do you mean by that?" mike says

"Well for starters I'm a werewolf," I say

"Really that's so funny I forgot to laugh ," mike says

"Would you laugh if I said that I'm a shapeshifter?" James says

Mike starts laughing harder "oh my god really that's such a lie if you are one why don't you turn into a fox or something," Mike says

"Alright," James says as mike is distracted James shifts into a fox

"Hey Mike look at me," James says

"What do yo- oh my god why is there a fox in the room why does this fox look human-sized and why are you not surprised by this jack?" mike says

"Because I knew," I say

"Why didn't you tell me this." mike says

"because we thought we couldn't trust with but we feel like we can trust you with our secret now you can't tell anyone," James says

"can I at least tell my parents?" Mike says

"I mean they won't believe you but if you want to sure," I say

"Alright I'll go tell them then," mike says leaving the room

"James shift back before Mike's parents come in the room," I say

"got it," James says shifting back to a human

A minute later Mike comes in with his parents

"what are we supposed to see here?" randy says

"there was just a fox in here a minute ago," Mike says

"Mike you must be going crazy or something once you get proof come talk to us," David says leaving the room

"I agree with David you've been reading to many fantasy books," Randy says leaving the room

"I told you they wouldn't believe you," I say

"once the time is right we'll tell your parents what we are," James says

"Alright but if I ask questions about your abilities you have to answer them," Mike says

"ok sounds good to me," I say

"alright well I'm going to ask some questions now" mike says

"alright ask away" I say

"so jack since your a werewolf is it like those movies where you change on the full moon" mike asks

"yes and and no I just found out I can change on the fly during the full moon" I say

"alright do you lose control of yourself when you shift" mike asks

"I do when I initially shift but if I see someone I have really good connections with I regain control of myself" I say

"interesting" mike says

"alright james now I want to ask you a few questions" mike says

"alright shoot" james says

"does it hurt when you shift?" mike says

"not really" James says

"Ok can you stay in your human form for as long as you want?" mike says

"No I can only stay in human form for a few hours" James says

"one more question where did you two come from?" mike says

"We were captured and I almost died but jack saved me because the person who captured us didn't know that he was a werewolf we escaped and we came here" James says

"Oh wow that must've been tough" mike says

"You don't even know" I say

"So those 2 creatures in the video was you two?" mike says

"Yes that was us" i say

"Wow you scared the crap out of Marcus and frank" mike says

"Yea we know" James says

"Alright i asked everything I wanted to ask" mike says

"Alright cool" I say

"Do you think that Marcus and frank are going to leave us alone after what jack did to them at school" James says

"Knowing them they won't leave you alone they never leave me alone" mike says

"Great just like Mitch" I say

"Who's Mitch?" mike says

"Well he's the one who captured us and almost killed me" James says

"Wow that's crazy" mike says

"Yea he was also in my class" i say

"What really." mike says

"Yea I didn't know his true colors until now" I say

"Well you're going to be safe here" mike says

"That's good" I say

"Well we got school tomorrow let's get to sleep" mike says

"Yea let's go to sleep" I say we all go to our beds and fall asleep

Life as a werewolf (book two)(old version)Where stories live. Discover now