It's a paralogue-

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Whats behind the mountain GCMM 📕📕



(Anime protagonist) (four years ago) : Grandpa ? Why cant i get close to that mountain ?

(The grandpa) : that mountain... Have a story behind it.

Long ago, strange creatures lived with us, they had unique powers and strange abilities;

We called them "the creatures of night"

One day, something just happened and they all disappeared into thin air, some say a group that was created by us sealed those creatures in that mountain, they say that these creatures tried to attack us a long time ago so the group stopped them, and some say that they just died.

Legends says that only the chosen ones can get the artifacts and free the the creatures from their prison.

Thats why my boy, please don't get too close to the mountain ok ?

(Anime protagonist): ok... But why does nobody knows what really happened to them ??

(Grandpa) : only those creatures know.

(Anime protagonist) : ok then, then ill promise you i wont get close to the mountain.


_Sound of thunderstorm.

_*running noises* *panting*


*Crying noises*

=protagonist stops running

*panting* *panting*

"A-a building ?"

=protagonist enters the old building=

"This building is very old and very rusty"

=protagonist climbs the rusty stairs and one of the stairs collapse when he puts his foot=

=he falls= ahhh !!!!

"Oww... That hurt, now how am i going to climb there ??"

"Maybe ill try to jump over there"

=he tries to jump and tries to grab something but his hand slips and he falls=

"O-ow, the backpack is kinda making this hard, let me throw it there first"

=he throws the backpack to the second floor then he tries to jump again and successed to jump to the second floor=


"Wait... There are so many things in this floor, let me explore a bit"

=he explores a bit, finds an old ladder and a weird book=

"Huh, a book. Let me clear the dust off it"

*cough**cough* "that's a lot of dust so it must be really old"

"The legend of the creatures of the night and the five artifacts" "i feel like i will need it for later"

=he picks up the book and puts it in his backpack=

=he looks up in the sky to find there is a secret door on the ceiling of the room=

"Well that's weird" "let me go up there"

=he gets the ladder to climb to the ceiling=

"well here goes nothing "

=he climbs up the ladder and puts up his hand to open the door=

=the door opens to an old room=

*cough**cough* "well NOW that's a lot of dust"

"the floor of the room is very fragile so i better be careful"

"Hol up there's another door, and its made out of stone. Well how am i going to open that ?"

=he puts his hand to try to open the door and to his surprise it opens easily= !!! Oh it opened

"Is this why nobody goes to this mountain ? Could it be the entrance to their world ?"

"S-should i open it ? I don't really k-know"

=he gets irritated=

"I-I-i really want to try to enter b-b-but... I promised him"

=tears starts to run down his cheek=

"I-I-I am so s-sorry grandpa..."

"...Ill h-have too break ur promise now..."

"...I don't think i am welcome in this world anymore..."

=he cleans his tears of his face=

"H-here goes n-nothing" =he puts his hands on the door and starts to

"HERE I GO" =He quickly opens the door and enters very fast while closing his eyes=

=the door slams shut behind him=

                            +++END OF PARALOGUE+++

Soooo, this is the start of the story !!! I hope u guys liked it !!!

Sorry for my poor English, its not my first language 😝😝

What's behind the mountain-MADE BY Nour-SamaWhere stories live. Discover now