Chapter 1. The begining

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Cyrus was sitting outside enjoying the view of the sunset. The sky had faded from light baby blue to a dark potent red into a mysterious maroon color, it was quite beautiful. The night approaching was quiet and calm, Cyprus closed his eyes and enjoyed the silence of the night. Unexpectedly a dark shadow with the figure of a person appeared. It was an unusual sight as normally no one dared to roam these parts of the woods. Cyprus curiously glanced around eagerly looking for this mysterious shadow until... he saw it, or rather them.
He stuttered shyly.
The figure glared at him with their cold dark eyes, but in a way they were rather comforting? This was becoming awkward as they stood in silence, Cyprus opened his mouth to speak but had been cut off but the figure.
"Hm.. a peasant lurks in these woods. How.. interesting."
They studied him closely.
"Who are you calling a peasant you asshole!"
Cyprus shouted at them rudely.
"Mind your manners you peasant."
They crossed their arms glaring at the tiny male who stood in front of them. They let out a sigh as their eyes turned to a wolf who was whining in pain. They stepped closer to it raising their sword. Cyprus quickly ran over and protected the small wolf.
"Don't kill it you animal!!'
"No! I won't let you hurt an innocent creature!"
"Sigh. Whatever."
They wrapped their scarf around the tiny puppy picking it up.
"Lead the way to your home peasant."
Cyprus mumbles under his breath before taking their hand and walking to their small cottage in the woods. It was so small the figure had to bend down to get in threw the door.
"Damn. Why must your door be so damn short?!"
"Why must you be so damn tall."
He snapped back at them before going into the cupboard and grabbing bandages and a disinfected cream.
"Eh.. touché."
They chuckled quietly to themselves. He walked back over and gently applied the cream on the pups wound before wrapping it in a bandage. The pup yipped softly before calming down.
"There, see you'll be fine"
He smiled softly and pet the puppy.
"What are you gonna name it."
They asked curiously.
"Hm.. Scruffles."
"Scruffles? What are you. 11."
They laughed.
"How dare you. Scruffles is the best name."
"For a 7 year old maybe."
"Hmph! Your a bully you know that.."
Cyprus pouted.
"I'm no bully. Your just immature."
Cyprus had the erg to smack this person in the face but fought it. He looked up at them for a moment before asking,
"Who are you?"
Their glaring dark eyes looked at them. The Irish men let out a sigh before turning away.
"I'm Mystery. The Mystery of the void. The overpowering Mystery. The-"
"I only needed your name. Not your life story."
"Jeez. Rude much. Don't interrupt me next time you peasant."
Cyprus rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"Yeah Yeah. Whatever.."
Mystery let out a deep sigh before they set out a blanket for the pup and placed the tiny creature down. Curiously they glanced around and started to search throughout the house.
"And what do you think your doing."
"Looking around. Are you blind?"
"Eh?! How dare you speak to me that way you bully!"
They laugh. Cyprus didn't like this joke anymore as he sighs and looked away unamused. They rolled their eyes and patted his head.
"Don't be so glum, a cute face like that shouldn't be so upset."
He froze before pushing their hand away.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! I'm not cute you idiot!!"
He then started to scream gibberish at them.
"Alright Alright! God.. your bickering is giving me a headache you pest."
They rubbed their head annoyed.
"O-Oh my bad.. I'm sorry.."
They sighed before starting to take their leave.
"What are you doing?"
"The pup is better. I can leave now can I not?"
"O-Oh! Right yeah sorry.. go ahead. Good night.. Mystery of the void"
They smiled warmly and slightly waved before leaving for the night. Cyprus then sighed and got ready for bed. Once he laid down and tried to sleep, he just couldn't stop thinking about Mystery.
"Mm.. what was with Them.."
Cyprus then ended up falling asleep shortly after. The night was cold and lonely, but still as the moon shined brightly in the sky and the stars were sparkling in the night. Mystery looked up while sharpening their sword. °Beautiful..° They thought to themself before looking back at the sword. The fire crackled leaving a nice warmth as the cold wind blowed making the leaves on the trees roar. It didn't faze Mystery. No one ever knew why that was just how it worked apparently. After a few tries Mystery finally gathered enough supplies and set up camp for the night. They curled up in the tent they had built and gracefully feel asleep.

*As I sip my tea proud of myself knowing I'm gonna get murdered later* ☕️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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