chapter 1.

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hi! i would just like to say thank you for reading my book. this will probably all be written in lowercase because it's my preference, but if you want me to start capitalizing proper nouns and the beginning of sentences, please let me know :). to me, it just looks really clean and put together. the timestamp of when several things happen probably/most likely will not add up to real life instances. this is all fictional and is actually inspired of a dream i had and it was an open opportunity, so i took it. like i said, none of these instances are real and if any of the boys are uncomfortable with the story line, i will respectfully remove it (doubt they'll ever see it thought haha.) i hope you guys enjoy! - des

!! btw, if it's your art in the cover, please let me know so i can credit you or change it if you don't want me to use it :) !!


avery woke up on an early sunday morning, the window peaking through the blinds in her LA apartment. oh, and by early, we mean 11 am. she groans, rolls over, and picks up her phone, quickly opening the twitter app. she scrolls aimlessly, liking a few quotes and a few tweets from her fans. avery was a twitch streamer to be exact. her twitch with 30k followers (which by the way, was still growing from day to day), became her way of living and the highlight of her life.

avery grew up in the heart of los angeles her entire life; living in the poor suburbs with her parents both working 6-9 jobs, leaving her to be taken under the care of her grandma for most of her life. she didn't have a broken home per say. her parents were always in-love, married, a story that most of her friends envied her for. but, she was never able to be emotionally trust-worthy in anyone because of the fact that she had to raise herself in a way.

she couldn't tell if she hated it, though. at the age of seven, she was up in the morning cooking her own scrambled eggs and tippy toeing in order to reach the apple juice that sit at the middle shelf of the refrigerator. when she was sick, she made her own soup while her dad helped her from time to time. it was nice to have some sort of independence, but for some reason, avery felt as if this sort of fucked her up emotionally later in life.

her eyes lit up like a christmas tree as she saw her favorite streamer, dream, post a picture of him in his merch. like any fan, she was shitting herself over this picture. she examined the picture of the built man in his green sweatshirt

"oh god, i just KNOW this man is built," she whispered to herself "but he does need better shoe game." she wasn't the only one thinking this, as the replies under the picture were about his black, plain sneakers. she gets a notification that "QuackityHQ" is live on twitch: "attempting to make badboyhalo curse". she presses on it and proceeds to get up to the restroom. 

the laughs and voice of BBH and quackity echo through her bathroom walls, as she giggles at the lice song while brushing her hair. (ironic, right?)

after an hour, a bowl of chipotle, a shower, and a makeover later, she's finally ready to stream herself. she throws on a georgenotfound hoodie, throws her hair into a messy bun and walks into her streaming room.

avery lived in a two bedroom apartment in beverly hills, an apartment bought by her parents after they both finally became rich in the retail business. it got kind of lonely though, so a few months after graduation, she moved in with a new kitten, ariel. yes, named after the disney princess.

she sat in her white gaming chair and put on her headset, booting her PC with the click of a button. she clicked away, setting up her stream. she went onto twitter and tweeted: "streaming in five minutes! be there or be square :D". when she clicked tweet, her tweet began to blow up.

she makes sure her camera is in place, and presses go live. with her immediate reaction, she smiles at waves at the 20k people who joined in. "hey guys! welcome back to my stream". avery felt blessed at the life she was living, reading the donos and the subs go up made her feel.. happy. not because of the money she was receiving, but with the fact that she was making someone, somewhere in the world happy.

avery boots up minecraft and goes onto the survival world she's been working on for months. she starts going on about her school life, questions about what she did in high school, how she was as a student, basic things like that.

avery was a popular loner. she knew everyone and everyone knew her; but no one knew her as one of those bitchy popular girls who peak in high school. she was known for the kindness she showed towards anyone, and the i-dont-give-a-fuck mentality that she raised in herself. she was head-captain of the cheer team (which she wish she didn't give into considering the toxicity that came along with it), was prom queen of her year, was in every club you could imagine, and maintained a 4.5 GPA. so, i guess you could say she did the most, but she couldn't have done it with her friend, christina.

"christina was the reason i tried in school, or tried to wake up on the hardest days. she would call me to get to school, call me when she knew i was having an off day, or called me when i went through another heartbreak. one time, i got broken up with in the middle of the night over the phone, and she drove to me with chocolate!" avery babbled. the chats were filled with "aww's" and her own personal twitch stickers with hearts. 

"she really inspires me as a person. she was my comfort person, per-say, and that's what i'm trying to do for you guys." she smiles at the camera briefly and continues on leading her newly found pigs into the farm she had just built. 

"who's your favorite minecraft streamer?" the bot repeats. she stops in her tracks on the game and leaned back into her chair.

"not to sound basic, but i have the fattest crush on dream. what is it with us falling for boys without a face?" avery giggles and her chat was filled with keyboard trash and "same". "of course, quackity comes in a hot second, but they're pretty close. it's okay, i'm sure they'll never find out anyways."

she continues onto a boating journey in the middle of an ocean, complaining about how there needs to be better dream x george fanfics made. "im just saying, i can't keep reading heatwaves over and over again you guys" she giggles. 

she looks over and her stream shoots up from 32k to 120k in less than 2 seconds. immediately, avery is a little confused and tries to figure out how it happened.

"uh chat, what the fuck just happened?" she says slowly, and the chat is racing by the speed of light. her question was answered as she stared at the notification placed on her pc, her mouth wide open.

"your stream has been raided by QuackityHQ with a party of 110,256"


welcome to the end of the chapter! i know it was pretty short and it was pretty much just a filler chapter describing her life, but now that that's over with, it gets to the good part! my dms are always open so if you have any plot suggestions or suggestion in general, im an open book. i love you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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