Tiny dancer

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(Art by @ken_thelman on Instagram)

Marshall's pov

I pulled my base over my shoulder. Making sure my hair was pointed mostly forward. The sides shaved made it slightly difficult to keep it in position.

I peeped through the curtains, everyone outside cheered my name. But, I notice a new face, a bright, pink face. I smile. Everyone's excited, they're excited for me.

After a minute of waiting for the last band to get back stage, I float out on stage, the crowd goes crazy. I land on my feet and grab the microphone as I start my show.


Out of breath, I wave to everyone in the crowd. That pink face I noticed earlier, he had messy hot pink hair which was a few shades darker than his skin. He stood out like a sore thumb. I gave him a wink, just to tease. I see his cheeks redden. I laugh, nobody can hear me over the roar of the crowd anyway. I wave and head back behind the curtain.

I sit back behind the curtain

"Yo marshall, that was pretty kickass, as always. You always get the crowd excited. I'm starting to think we should move you to the closing act, let the other bands open for you from now on? " Zazz.

I nod excitedly "That would be awesome!! I'd love that! " I said as I floated up off my feet when I jumped with excitement.

He laughed a little "mkay kid, can I count on you to come next week then? "

I nod "course. Same time next week"

He gave me a little salute as I left through back stage. I instantly bump into a pink face. That same pink face from before "oof- sorry dude I didn't mean to- how'd you get back here? "

"O-oh- I just kinda snuck back here and nobody said anything, I figured I was allowed " He seemed nervous. Kinda cute.

Now that I think about it, I guess it's not explicitly, not allowed "oh yeah I guess it's not really against any rules. We don't really do signing or anything, at least I don't. There should be 3 more shows though, so you don't wanna miss out too much"

He nodded, how did nobody notice this kid coming back here? He's pink head to toe, even his clothes.

He just sort of stared at me

"So... Ill be going now, uhm thanks for coming? " I wave as I float up

"Y-yeah! I'll see you next week. Uhm- I really really liked your performance-" He was red in the cheeks again

I smile and wave "see you then" I float off toward my tree house.

I set my bass down when I get inside, kicking the door closed as I stretch and yawn. It's getting early, I should probably head to bed soon.

I peep out the window to , the sky was turning a dark red/purple colour. The sun will be up in about an hour. I float up the latter to the bathroom, run myself a shower, and get ready for bed.

Gumballs pov

After he left, I sighed, smiling brightly.

"Your Highness, the next performance is about to start! You don't want to miss it! " A young butterscotch butler said to me. I nod and follow her back to the concert.

He was right, there were 3 more shows total. They were alright I suppose. He was fantastic though. I'd never heard music like that before. It felt... Raw. Real music.. Unfiltered emotion. It was something special for sure.

The concert ended as the sun began to rise. Butterscotch and I head back to the candy kingdom. It is really more like a candy town right now. It's manageable though. They treat me with respect and I love all of my citizens dearly. It was a bit of a walk back to the kingdom, so I carried butterscotch halfway there. She was very young so, I couldn't expect her to stay up all night and then walk back to the kingdom this morning. I think I will leave her home when I go next.

By the time we got back to the kingdom she had fallen asleep. I lay her down in her bed before tucking her in and giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. She snuggled up in her blankets. I smile as I leave her room, closing the door quietly. The castle was small compared to most. But it was suitable. I only needed a lab and my room. Then rooms for my servants. Not that I would treat them that way.

I decide I should get some sleep before tomorrow. I do have a kingdom to run. I retire to my room where I run myself a warm bath, sinking into the pink liquid, I relax my muscles. The feeling of calm and quiet after a concert is comforting.

I feel my cheeks heat up, thinking of his act again. His music really touched something in me. I wonder what his  name might be?... I will ask him when I see him next week.

I nod to myself, accepting my plan as I pull myself out of the tub, brushing my teeth and heading to bed. The quiet is warm and safe. My safe, little kingdom.

The pink in my cheeks Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora